Administrative Rules

    44:90:10:10.  Expected effects -- Time to take effect -- Duration of effect. The label of any cannabis or cannabis product must indicate:

    (1)  The length of time, in hours or minutes, that it may take the patient to feel effects; and

    (2)  The length of time the patient should expect the effects to last.

    The estimated time to take effect and duration of effect shall be based on the best estimate of the establishment printing the label. The label on any edible product, except an ethanol-based tincture, must additionally contain the following warning: Effects of this product may not be felt for up to four hours.

    Source: 48 SDR 40, effective October 5, 2021.

    General Authority: SDCL 34-20G-72(7)(a).

    Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20G-72(5).

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