House Commemoration 8002
Commending and honoring the 2018-2019 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: JOEL JORGENSON, Madison Central, School Superintendent; DON LYON, Spearfish, Middle School Principal; PAUL LUNDBERG, Brandon Valley, School Business Official; MATT ALLEY, West Central, Elementary School Principal; JOE CHILDS, Mitchell, Secondary School Principal; DAVE PREHEIM, Tea, Assistant High School Principal; MICHAEL AMOLINS, Harrisburg, Curriculum Leader; WENDY OTHEIM, Brookings, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.
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01/16/2020 H.J. 27 N/A

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01/16/2020 IntroducedIntroduced
01/21/2020 EnrolledEnrolled

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