SDLRC - 2020 House Commemoration 8002 - SD Legislature Commending and honoring the 2018-2019 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: JOEL JORGENSON, Madison Central, School Superintendent; DON LYON, Spearfish, Middle School Principal; PAUL LUNDBERG, Brandon Valley, School Business Official; MATT ALLEY, West Central, Elementary School Principal; JOE CHILDS, Mitchell, Secondary School Principal; DAVE PREHEIM, Tea, Assistant High School Principal; MICHAEL AMOLINS, Harrisburg, Curriculum Leader; WENDY OTHEIM, Brookings, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.

A LEGISLATIVE COMMEMORATION, Commending and honoring the 2018-2019 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: JOEL JORGENSON, Madison Central, School Superintendent; DON LYON, Spearfish, Middle School Principal; PAUL LUNDBERG, Brandon Valley, School Business Official; MATT ALLEY, West Central, Elementary School Principal; JOE CHILDS, Mitchell, Secondary School Principal; DAVE PREHEIM, Tea, Assistant High School Principal; MICHAEL AMOLINS, Harrisburg, Curriculum Leader; WENDY OTHEIM, Brookings, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.

WHEREAS, these administrators have been elected by their peers for outstanding service and dedication to education; and

WHEREAS, the combined years of service to the people of South Dakota and to the children and youth of South Dakota of these eight educational administrators is one hundred and seventy-nine years; and

WHEREAS, each of these educators has demonstrated a sincere interest in our children and superior skills in their chosen field of educational administration:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT COMMEMORATED, by the Ninety-Fifth Legislature of the State of South Dakota, that Joel Jorgenson, Dave Preheim, Don Lyon, Joe Childs, Matt Alley, Wendy Otheim, Michael Amolins, and Paul Lundberg are named as official representatives of the School Administrators of South Dakota and shall continue their efforts to improve the educational opportunities for the children of the state.

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