SDLRC - 2020 House Bill 1284 - SD Legislature create a road improvement priority fund and to provide for the distribution of the fund.

20.797.14 95th Legislative Session 262

2020 South Dakota Legislature

House Bill 1284


Introduced by: Representative Finck

An Act to create a road improvement priority fund and to provide for the distribution of the fund.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That a NEW SECTION be added:

32-11-40. Definitions.

Terms used in this Act mean:

(1) "County population," the population of the county based on the most recent estimate available from the U.S. Census Bureau;

(2) "Population adjustment factor," if the county population is:

(a) Greater than one hundred and fifty thousand, it equals 0.65;

(b) Less than one hundred and fifty thousand and greater than or equal to one hundred thousand, it equals 0.70;

(c) Less than one hundred thousand and greater than or equal to fifty thousand, it equals 0.80;

(d) Less than fifty thousand and greater than twenty-five thousand, it equals 0.90; and

(e) Less than twenty-five thousand, it equals 1.0;

(3) "Adjusted total population," the total population of all counties after applying the population adjustment factor;

(4) "Surface type adjustment factor," equals 0.50 for gravel, 0.15 for asphalt, 0.15 for graded, 0.10 for concrete, 0.05 for unimproved, and 0.05 for primitive;

(5) "County road miles by surface type," the total number of miles corresponding to gravel, asphalt, graded, concrete, unimproved, and primitive roads within a county as identified by the Department of Transportation;

(6) "Deck area," equals the total square feet of any bridge, within a county as identified by the Department of Transportation;

(7) "Adjusted total county road miles," the sum of all county road miles in all counties in the state after applying the surface type adjustment factor to each type of road surface.

Section 2. That a NEW SECTION be added:

32-11-41. Road improvement priority fund--Creation--Funding.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the road improvement priority fund. Any general funds appropriated to the road improvement priority program shall be transferred into the road improvement priority fund. Interest on the money in the fund shall be deposited into the fund.

Section 3. That a NEW SECTION be added:

32-11-42. Road improvement priority fund--Calculation--Distribution.

On July first of each year, the Department of Revenue shall distribute the balance of the road improvement priority fund to the counties based on the calculated percent for each county, which is equal to the sum of:

(1) The value of the county population multiplied by the population adjustment factor divided by the adjusted total population multiplied by thirty-three and one-third percent;

(2) The value of county road miles by surface type multiplied by the corresponding surface type adjustment factor divided by the adjusted total county road miles multiplied by thirty-three and one-third percent; and

(3) The value of the deck area of the county divided by the total combined deck area of all counties multiplied by thirty-three and one-third percent.

A county receiving a distribution under this section shall utilize five percent of the distribution on roads within organized townships in that county.

Catchlines are not law. (§ 2-16-13.1) Underscores indicate new language.

Overstrikes indicate deleted language.