House Bill 1274
establish the Tax Revenue Study Task Force to study tax revenue in this state.
Representatives Ring (prime), Bordeaux, Duba, McCleerey, Saba, and Smith and Senators Kennedy (prime), Nesiba, and Wismer
02/06/2020First Reading House H.J. 210 N/A
02/10/2020Referred to House Taxation H.J. 242 N/A
02/13/2020Scheduled for hearing 41:38
02/13/2020 House Taxation Do Pass, Failed, YEAS 2, NAYS 7. 41:38
02/13/2020 House Taxation Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 2. 41:38

Bill Text Versions
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02/06/2020 IntroducedIntroduced

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