SB 56 revise the definitions of big game and small game.


        ENTITLED, An Act to  revise the definitions of big game and small game.
     Section  1.  That § 41-1-1 be amended to read as follows:
     41-1-1.   Terms used in this title mean:
             (1)      "Any part thereof" or "the parts thereof," includes the hide, horns, and hoofs of any animal so referred to, and the plumage and skin and every other part of any bird so referred to;
             (2)      "Bait," baitfish and other wild animal groups of amphibians (frogs and salamanders), crustaceans (crayfish and freshwater shrimp), reptiles (snakes and lizards), and mollusks (clams and snails);
             (3)      "Baitfish," includes fish of the minnow family (cyprinidae) except carp (cyprinus spp.) and goldfish (carassius spp.), fish of the sucker family (castostomidae) except buffalofish (ictiobus spp.) and carpsucker (carpiodes spp.), and fish of the stickleback family (gasterosteidae);
             (4)      "Big game," all cloven-hoofed wild animals and wild turkey. The term includes facsimiles of big game used for law enforcement purposes;
             (5)      "Big game seal," a locking seal which bears the same number as the license with which it is issued;
             (6)      "Big game tag," a tag which is part of the regular big game license and bears the same number as the license proper;
             (7)      "Biological specimens," wild nongame animals used for scientific study and collected for resale to biological supply companies;
             (8)      "Carcass," the dead body of any wild animal to which it refers, including the head, hair, skin, plumage, skeleton, or any other part thereof;
             (9)      "Domestic animal," any animal that through long association with man, has been bred to a degree which has resulted in genetic changes affecting the temperament, color, conformation or other attributes of the species to an extent that makes it unique and different from wild individuals of its kind;
             (10)      "Fishing," the taking, capturing, killing, or fishing for fish of any variety in any manner. If the word, fish, is used as a verb, it has the same meaning as the word, fishing;
             (11)      "Fur-bearing animals," opossum, muskrat, beaver, mink, marten, blackfooted ferret, skunks (all species), raccoon, badger, red, grey and swift fox, coyote, bobcat, lynx, weasel, and jackrabbit;
             (12)      "Game," all wild mammals or birds;
             (13)      "Game fish," all species belonging to the paddlefish, sturgeon, salmon (trout), pike, catfish (including bullheads), sunfish (including black bass and crappies), perch (including walleye and sauger), and bass families. All species not included in the game fish families are rough fish;
             (14)      "Hunt" or "hunting," shooting, shooting at, pursuing, taking, attempting to take, catching or killing of any wild animal or animals;
             (15)      "Loaded firearm," any firearm or other implement capable of discharging a projectile, containing cartridges, shells or projectiles in either the chamber, clip, or magazine;
             (16)      "Migratory waterfowl," any wild geese, swans, brants, coot, merganser, or wild ducks;
             (17)      "Migratory bird," all migratory waterfowl, sandhill crane, snipe, and dove;
             (18)      "Motor vehicle," any self-propelled vehicle and any vehicle propelled or drawn by a self-propelled vehicle, whether operated upon a highway, railroad track, on the ground, in the water, or in the air;
             (19)      "Nondomestic animal," any animal that is not domestic;
             (20)      "Possession," both actual and constructive possession, as well as the control of the article referred to;
             (21)      "Predator/varmint," coyote, gray fox, red fox, skunk, English house sparrow, European starling, gopher, ground squirrel, chipmunk, jackrabbit, marmot, unbanded undomesticated pigeon (rock dove), porcupine, crow, and prairie dog;
             (22)      "Resident," a person actually living within and intending to make the person's home in this state. No resident may lose rights under this title by reason of the resident's absence on business of the United States or of this state, or armed services of the United States or the spouse of an active duty military person, or any student regularly attending a school of higher learning as a full-time student;
             (23)      "Sell" and "sale," any sale or offer to sell or have in possession with intent to sell, use or dispose of;
             (24)      "Small game," anatidae, commonly known as swans, geese, brants, merganser, and river and sea ducks; the rallidae, commonly known as rails, coots, and gallinue; the limicolae, referring specifically to shore birds, plover, snipe, and woodcock; the gruidae, commonly known as sandhill crane; the columbidae, commonly known as the mourning dove; the gallinae, commonly known as grouse, prairie chickens, pheasants, partridges, and quail but does not include wild turkeys; cottontail rabbit; and fox, grey and red squirrel. The term includes facsimiles of small game used for law enforcement purposes;
             (25)      "Trapping," the taking or the attempting to take of any wild animals by means of setting or operating of any device, mechanism or contraption that is designed, built or made to close upon, hold fast, or otherwise capture a wild animal or animals. If the word, trap, is used as a verb, it has the same meaning as the word, trapping;
             (26)      "Trout streams" or "trout waters," all waters and streams or portions of streams which

contain trout;

             (27)      "Waters of the state," all the boundary waters of the state, and the provisions of this title are deemed to extend to and be in force and effect over and upon and in all thereof, unless otherwise expressly provided;
             (28)      "Wild animal," any mammal, bird, fish or other creature of a wild nature endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion.
An Act to revise the definitions of big game and small game.

I certify that the attached Act originated in the

SENATE as Bill No. 56

Secretary of the Senate

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Secretary of the Senate

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Chief Clerk

Senate Bill No. 56
File No. ____
Chapter No. ______     =========================
Received at this Executive Office this _____ day of _____________ ,

20____ at ____________ M.

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The attached Act is hereby approved this ________ day of ______________ , A.D., 20___

Office of the Secretary of State

Filed ____________ , 20___
at _________ o'clock __ M.

Secretary of State

By _________________________
Asst. Secretary of State