HB 1091 make compliance with federal selective service...

State of South Dakota  

HOUSE BILL   NO.     1091  

        Introduced by: Representatives Adelstein, Klaudt, and Van Etten and Senators Putnam and Apa  

         FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to  make compliance with federal selective service requirements a condition of obtaining certain driver licenses.
     Section  1.  That chapter 32-12 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
     No male United States citizen or immigrant who is at least eighteen years of age but less than twenty-six years of age may apply for or be issued a driver license, renewal, or duplicate or a nondriver identification card, renewal, or duplicate pursuant to this chapter unless the applicant is registered, or consents to be registered as provided in this section, in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C. §  453, as amended to January 1, 2002, or unless the applicant is exempt from such registration.
     The Department of Commerce and Regulation shall forward in an electronic format the necessary personal information required for registration of any applicant identified in this section to the United States Selective Service System. The applicant's submission of the application indicates that the applicant has already registered with the Selective Service System or that he

is authorizing the department to forward to the Selective Service System the necessary information for such registration. The department shall notify the applicant on the application that his submission of the application serves as his consent to be registered with the Selective Service System if so required by federal law.
     Section  2.  That chapter 32-12A be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:

     No male United States citizen or immigrant who is at least eighteen years of age but less than twenty-six years of age may apply for or be issued a commercial driver license, renewal, or duplicate pursuant to this chapter unless the applicant is registered, or consents to be registered as provided in this section, in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C. §  453, as amended to January 1, 2002, or unless the applicant is exempt from such registration.
     The Department of Commerce and Regulation shall forward in an electronic format the necessary personal information required for registration of any applicant identified in this section to the United States Selective Service System. The applicant's submission of the application indicates that the applicant has already registered with the Selective Service System or that he is authorizing the department to forward to the Selective Service System the necessary information for such registration. The department shall notify the applicant on the application that his submission of the application serves as his consent to be registered with the Selective Service System if so required by federal law.