SB 13 revise certain municipal and school election...
State of South Dakota  

SENATE BILL   NO.     13  

        Introduced by: The Committee on Local Government at the request of the Secretary of State  

         FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to  revise certain municipal and school election procedures.
     Section  1.  That § 9-13-1 be amended to read as follows:
     9-13-1.   In every each municipality an annual election for the election of officers shall be held on the second Tuesday of April of each year, at such a place in each ward of the municipality as the governing body shall designate. The polls at such the election shall be kept open continuously from eight o'clock in the forenoon seven a.m. until seven o'clock in the evening. However, the governing body of the municipality may, by ordinance, provide for the opening of the polls at seven o'clock p.m .
     Section  2.  That § 9-13-13 be amended to read as follows:
     9-13-13.   Notice of every A notice of each municipal election shall be given by publication thereof published once each week for two successive weeks, the first publication may not be less than ten days prior to such the election. The first notice shall contain a A facsimile of the official ballot shall be published at least four days prior to each election . Such The notice and ballot shall be published in the official newspaper or newspapers of the municipality as designated in

§   9-12-6.

     If no newspaper is published in the municipality, such the notice shall also be given by posting the same posted in three of the most public places therein in the municipality .
     Section  3.  That § 13-7-8 be amended to read as follows:
     13-7-8.   The business manager of the school district shall publish in the official newspaper notices of an election once each week for two consecutive weeks with the first publication not less than ten days before the election. The notice shall state the date of the coming school election, the vacancies to be filled with terms of each, the candidates who have filed for these vacancies, questions, if any, to be submitted at the election, and the location of polling places. A facsimile of the official ballot shall be published at least four days prior to each election.
     Section  4.  That § 13-7-10 be amended to read as follows:
     13-7-10.   The annual election for school districts shall be held between the second Tuesday in April and the third Tuesday in June between the hours of eight o'clock in the morning seven a.m. and seven o'clock in the afternoon p.m. of the day of the election. The school board shall select the date of the election by resolution no later than the first regular meeting after January first of each year. The school board may also, by resolution, provide for the opening of the polls at seven o'clock. Voter registration, absentee voting, and procedures used in counting ballots shall be in accordance with Title 12 except as specifically provided in chapter 13-7.