House Bill 1173
assign responsibility for costs of prosecution and defense of inmates who commit crimes while under the control of the Department of Corrections.
Representatives Jensen (prime), Bartling, Duenwald, Fryslie, Hennies, Kooistra, and Monroe and Senators Munson (David) (prime), de Hueck, Duxbury, McIntyre, and Whiting
01/16/2002 First read in House and referred to House State Affairs H.J. 142 N/A
01/26/2002 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date
01/26/2002 House State Affairs Do Pass Amended,, Failed, YEAS 5, NAYS 8.
01/26/2002 House State Affairs Tabled, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 5.

Bill Text Versions
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01/16/2002 IntroducedIntroduced

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