SB 10 revise certain township election provisions.


        ENTITLED, An Act to  revise certain township election provisions.
     Section  1.  That § 8-1-23 be amended to read as follows:
     8-1-23.   Except as provided in §   8-1-28, if fifteen percent of the registered voters of any civil township, based upon the total number of registered voters at the last preceding general election, petition the township clerk, the clerk, at the direction of the board of supervisors, shall call an election. The election shall be called in the manner prescribed by law for holding special township meetings and the question shall be submitted, "Shall the civil township organization of _____ township be abolished?" "Yes." "No." The election shall be held within sixty days of the filing of the petition and in the manner provided by law for holding elections for the election of civil township officers. The township clerk shall provide a sufficient number of printed ballots for the proper conduct of the election.
     Section  2.  That chapter 8-1 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
     No petition to abolish a township may be filed within one year following an election on the question of abolishing the township.
     Section  3.  That § 8-3-7 be amended to read as follows:
     8-3-7.   No person may vote at any township meeting unless the person is registered to vote pursuant to chapter 12-4 and resides in the township. For the purposes of this section, a person resides in the township if the person actually lives in the township for at least thirty consecutive days each year, is a full-time postsecondary education student who resided in the township immediately prior to leaving for the postsecondary education, or is on active duty as a member of the armed forces whose home of record is within the township. A voter's qualification as a resident may be challenged in the manner provided in §  12-18-10. No election may be contested on the grounds that any

nonresident was allowed to vote if the nonresident was not challenged in the manner provided in §  12-18-10.
     Section  4.  That § 8-3-17.1 be amended to read as follows:
     8-3-17.1.   If nominating petitions are required pursuant to §   8-3-1.1, then any voter qualified to vote in a township candidate election may vote by absentee ballot as prescribed in chapter 12-19. Absentee voting shall be allowed for any township ballot question election and shall be conducted as prescribed in chapter 12-19.

An Act to revise certain township election provisions.

I certify that the attached Act originated in the

SENATE as Bill No. 10

Secretary of the Senate

President of the Senate


Secretary of the Senate

Speaker of the House


Chief Clerk

Senate Bill No. 10
File No. ____
Chapter No. ______     =========================
Received at this Executive Office this _____ day of _____________ ,

20____ at ____________ M.

By _________________________
for the Governor

The attached Act is hereby approved this ________ day of ______________ , A.D., 20___

Office of the Secretary of State

Filed ____________ , 20___
at _________ o'clock __ M.

Secretary of State

By _________________________
Asst. Secretary of State