State of South Dakota
336H0233 |
Introduced by:
Representatives Kloucek, Flowers, and Lange and Senators Hutmacher,
Koetzle, and Reedy
Section 1. Terms used in this Act mean:
operation, an open feedlot, land on which crops or other vegetation is grown and used
to graze or feed livestock, or land used to feed livestock for slaughter;
nurturing the crop by the application of fertilizers, soil conditioners, or pesticides;
Section 2. Execution of an agricultural contract imposes an obligation of good faith, as defined in § 57A-1-201(19), on all parties with respect to the contract's performance and enforcement.
Section 3. Agricultural contracts executed or amended after the effective date of this Act shall be accompanied by a clear written disclosure statement setting forth the nature of the material risks, described below, faced by the producer upon entry into the contract. The disclosure statement shall meet the readability requirements of section 5 of this Act and shall disclose the following:
Section 4. An agricultural contract executed or amended after the effective date of this Act shall contain a cover sheet as the first page or pages of text. The cover sheet shall contain:
Section 5. An agricultural contract executed or amended after the effective date of this Act shall be in legible type with a typeface of at least ten-point modern type, appropriately divided and captioned by its various sections, and written in clear and coherent language using simple sentence structure, clear definitions, and words and grammar understandable by a person of average intelligence, education, and experience within the industry. A contract shall avoid esoteric legal terms and minimize references to other sections or provisions. The following terms may be used in an agricultural contract:
Section 6. A contract producer may cancel a production contract by mailing a written cancellation notice to the contractor within three business days after the contract is executed, or by the cancellation deadline if specified in the contract, whichever is later. The contract producer's right to cancel, the method by which the contract producer may cancel, and the deadline for canceling the production contract shall be clearly disclosed in every production contract.
Section 7. Any provision of an agricultural contract executed or amended after the effective date of this Act that imposes confidentiality on information other than trade secrets contained in the agricultural contract, is void. Such a provision is void whether it is express or implied; oral or written; required or conditional; or contained in the agricultural contract, another agricultural
contract, or in a related document, policy, or agreement. Other provisions of an agricultural
contract or a related document, policy, or agreement that can be given effect without the voided
provision are not affected. This section does not require a party to an agricultural contract to
divulge information about the contract to another person.
Section 8. A contract producer has a lien for the amount owed by an active contractor
pursuant to the terms of the production contract.
Section 9. If the production contract is for livestock, the lien established pursuant to section
8 of this Act applies as follows:
Section 10. If the production contract is for raw milk, the lien established pursuant to section 8 of this Act applies as follows:
Section 11. A lien on livestock or raw milk under this Act is created at the time the livestock first arrives at the contract facility and continues for one year after the livestock leaves the contract facility.
Section 12. If the production contract is for crops, the lien established pursuant to section 8 of this Act applies as follows:
Section 13. In order to preserve a lien created pursuant to section 8 if this Act, a contract producer shall file a lien statement with the secretary of state on a form prescribed by the secretary of state. A lien statement covering the production of livestock or raw milk, must be filed within forty-five days after the livestock first arrives at the contract livestock facility. A lien statement covering crops must be filed within forty-five days after the crop is first planted. The secretary of state may charge a fee in accordance with the provisions of § 57A-9-525 for filing the statement. The secretary of state may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 for the filing and release of lien statements, fees, and electronic filings.
Section 14. The lien statement filed pursuant to section 13 of this Act shall include:
Section 15. A lien statement filed pursuant to section 13 of this Act shall be released by the contract producer upon payment of the amount owed pursuant to the production contract. A release shall be filed with the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary, within thirty days after payment.
Section 16. A contract producer may foreclose a lien created under section 8 of this Act in the manner provided for the foreclosure of secured transactions in chapter 57A-9.
Section 17. A lien created pursuant to this Act has priority over all other liens and encumbrances if filed within forty-five days after the livestock first arrives at the contract facility or within forty-five days after the crop is first planted.
Section 18. Sections 19 to 22, inclusive, of this Act only apply to a production contract executed by a contract producer and a contractor, if the contract producer must make capital investments of one hundred thousand dollars or more. The amount of the capital investment is determined by aggregating the investment requirements provided in all production contracts in which the contract producer and the contractor are parties. The value of the capital investments is the total dollar amount spent by the contract producer in satisfying the investment requirements.
Section 19. Except as provided in section 21 of this Act, a contractor may not terminate or cancel a production contract until providing the contract producer written notice at least ninety days before the effective date of the termination or cancellation, and the contract producer has been reimbursed for damages incurred due to the termination or cancellation. Damages shall be based on the value of the remaining useful life of the structures, machinery, or equipment involved.
Section 20. Except as provided in section 21 of this Act, a contractor may not terminate or cancel a production contract that has been materially breached by a contract producer until the contractor has provided written notice of termination or cancellation at least forty-five days before its effective date, which contains the alleged causes constituting the breach, and the contract producer has failed to remedy each breach within thirty days following receipt of the notice. An effort by a contract producer to remedy an alleged breach may not be construed as
an admission of a breach in a civil cause of action.
Section 21. A contractor may terminate or cancel a production contract without notice or
remedy as required in sections 19 and 20 of this Act if the basis for the termination or
cancellation is voluntary abandonment of the contractual relationship by the contract producer
by a failure of a contract producer to perform the obligations of a production contract, or the
conviction of a contract producer of fraud or theft committed against the contractor.
Section 22. If a contractor terminates or cancels a production contract other than provided
in sections 19 to 21, inclusive, of this Act, the contractor shall pay the contract producer the
value of the remaining useful life of the structures, machinery, or equipment involved.
Section 23. For purposes of this Act, the term, contract input, means a commodity or an
organic or synthetic substance or compound used to produce a commodity, including livestock
or plants, agricultural seeds, semen or eggs for breeding livestock, and fertilizer or pesticide.
Section 24. For purposes of this Act, the term, producer right, means one of the following
legal rights and protections:
slanderous statements;
Section 25. No contractor or processor may knowingly engage, or permit any employee or agent to engage, in any of the following actions to coerce, intimidate, disadvantage, retaliate against, or discriminate against any producer because the producer exercises, or attempts to exercise, any producer right. Such actions include:
Section 26. No contractor or processor may knowingly do, or permit any employee or agent
to do, any of the following:
of section 7 of this Act;
Section 27. Any provision of an agricultural contract that waives a producer right or a contractor or processor obligation established by this Act is void and unenforceable. No such provision affects other provisions of an agricultural contract, related document, policy, or agreement, that can be given effect without the voided provision.
Section 28. Any condition, stipulation, or provision of an agricultural contract requiring the application of the law of another state is void and unenforceable.
Section 29. An agricultural contract shall contain language providing for resolution of disputes by mediation.
Section 30. A contractor or processor committing an unfair practice under sections 23 to 26, inclusive, of this Act is subject to a civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars per violation.
Section 31. A producer who suffers damages because of a contractor's or processor's violation of this Act may obtain appropriate legal and equitable relief, including damages, pursuant to the rules of civil procedure. The court may award the prevailing producer reasonable attorney fees and other litigation expenses. A producer is not required to post a bond, prove the absence of an adequate remedy at law, or show the existence of special circumstances, to obtain temporary or permanent injunctive relief unless the court for good cause otherwise orders.
Section 32. In addition to the remedies provided in this Act, a court reviewing an agricultural contract may change the terms of the contract or limit a provision to avoid an unfair result if the
court finds:
Section 33. In a proceeding in which civil penalties are claimed from a party for a violation of sections 3 to 5, inclusive, of this Act, it is a defense to the claim that the party made a good faith and reasonable effort to comply.
Section 34. Notwithstanding section 31 of this Act, a party who has made a good faith and reasonable effort to comply may not be assessed attorney's fees for violations of sections 3 to 5, inclusive, of this Act.
Section 35. Violation of sections 3 to 5, inclusive, of this Act is not a defense to a claim arising from a producer's breach of an agricultural contract. A producer may recover actual damages caused by a violation of sections 3 to 5, inclusive, of this Act only if the violation caused the producer to not understand the rights, obligations, or remedies of the contract.
Section 36. A claim that an agricultural contract violates sections 3 to 5, inclusive, of this Act must be raised within six years of the date the contract is executed by the producer.
Section 37. In addition to using other appropriate remedies, the attorney general may enforce the provisions of this Act, through injunctive action to restrain a contractor or processor from
engaging in conduct or practices in violation of this Act, or to require a contractor or processor
to comply with a provision of this Act. To accomplish the objectives and to carry out the
provisions of this Act, the attorney general issue a subpoena to any contractor or processor to
obtain an agricultural contract. Any person failing to comply with such subpoena may be certified
to circuit court, for enforcement by order. Noncompliance with a judicial order shall be treated
the same as a contempt of the court.
Section 38. The attorney general or state's attorney may also bring an action in circuit court
for recovery of civil penalties provided in section 30 of this Act.
Section 39. This Act does not apply to: