HB 1101 provide funding to school districts for operating...

State of South Dakota  

HOUSE BILL   NO.     1101  

        Introduced by: Representatives Richter, Adelstein, Begalka, Holbeck, Murschel, and Sutton (Duane) and Senators McCracken, McIntyre, Moore, Olson (Ed), and Putnam  

         FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to  provide funding to school districts for operating a school term greater than one hundred seventy-five days.
Section  1.  Terms used in this Act mean:
             (1)    "Base year school term," the number of hours a school district operates a nine-month regular term pursuant to §  13-26-2 for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002;
             (2)    "School term factor," the number of hours by which a school district operates a nine- month regular term pursuant to §  13-26-2 for the current regular school fiscal year exceeds the base year school term, the difference divided by the base year school term, and the quotient multiplied by 0.85, and that product added to 1.000. The school term factor may not be less than 1.0.
     Section  2.  That chapter 13-13 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
     For fiscal year 2004, the school term factor may not be greater than 1.0097, for fiscal year 2005, the school term factor may not be greater than 1.0146, for fiscal year 2006, the school

term factor may not be greater than 1.0194, and for school fiscal year 2007 and thereafter the school term factor may not be greater than 1.0243.
     Section  3.  That § 13-13-73 be amended to read as follows:
     13-13-73.   The secretary of the Department of Education and Cultural Affairs shall compute state aid to education for each school district under the foundation program according to the following calculations:

             (1)      Determine each school district's general enrollment average daily membership;
             (2)      Multiply the per student allocation by the adjusted average daily membership , and multiply the product times the school term factor to arrive at the local need per district;
             (3)      State aid is (a) local need minus local effort, or (b) zero if the calculation in (a) is a negative number;
             (4)      If the state aid appropriation for the general support of education is in excess of the entitlement provided for in this section, the excess shall be used to fund any shortfall of the appropriation as provided for in § §  13-37-36 and 13-37-43. The secretary shall report to the Governor by January seventh of each year, the amount of state aid necessary to fully fund the general aid formula in the current year. If a shortfall in the state aid appropriation for general education exists that cannot be covered by §  13-37-45, the Governor shall inform the Legislature and provide a proposal to eliminate the shortfall.
     Section  4.  That § 13-26-4 be amended to read as follows:
     13-26-4.   A school may have teacher-parent conferences during the school year , however, and not more than three such days may not be counted as days in session.
     Section  5.  That § 13-26-4.1 be amended to read as follows:
     13-26-4.1.   The school board may designate a maximum of one of the three session days provided for in §   13-26-4 as in-service teacher training days , however such days may not be counted as days in session .
     Section  6.  A school district's annual report to the Department of Education and Cultural Affairs shall include the school calendar for the next school year.