Senate Bill 38
require certain information to be collected to create a database of certain public officials and public employees for use in the event of an emergency or disaster and to authorize administrative rules to implement the reporting procedures.
The Committee on State Affairs at the request of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
01/08/2002 First read in Senate and referred to Senate State Affairs S.J. 19 N/A
01/11/2002 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date
01/11/2002 Senate State Affairs Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 0.
01/15/2002 Senate Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 23, NAYS 11. S.J. 71
01/16/2002 First read in House and referred to House State Affairs H.J. 164 N/A
02/08/2002 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this dateN/A
02/08/2002 House State Affairs Do Pass,, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 2.N/A
02/11/2002 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 52, NAYS 14. H.J. 615
02/12/2002 Signed by President S.J. 517 N/A
02/12/2002 Delivered to the Governor on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 S.J. 518 N/A
02/12/2002 Signed by Speaker H.J. 636 N/A
02/19/2002 Signed by Governor S.J. 594 N/A

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