House Bill 1086
provide for a refund of tuition and fees for certain nurses.
Representatives Glenski (prime), Begalka, Burg, Kooistra, McCoy, Peterson (Jim), Van Etten, and Van Gerpen and Senators Olson (Ed) (prime), Reedy, Staggers, and Sutton
01/14/2002 First read in House and referred to House Health and Human Services H.J. 103 N/A
01/28/2002 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date
01/28/2002 House Health and Human Services Do Pass Amended,, Failed, YEAS 6, NAYS 5.
01/28/2002 House Health and Human Services Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 5.
01/28/2002 House Health and Human Services Title Amended, Passed
01/30/2002 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended,, Failed, YEAS 29, NAYS 38. H.J. 363

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