HB 1130 revise the provisions related to the sale of... Add Not
State of South Dakota  

HOUSE BILL   NO.     1130  

        Introduced by: Representatives Murschel, Adelstein, Derby, Hennies (Thomas), Hunhoff, and Van Etten and Senators McCracken, Ham, Reedy, Vitter, and Whiting  

         FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to  revise the provisions related to the sale of surplus governmental property.
     Section  1.  That § 6-13-5.2 be amended to read as follows:
     6-13-5.2.   In lieu of receiving sealed bids as required by this chapter, a school district , municipality, or county may sell real property at public auction or by listing the property with one or more licensed real estate brokers. The school board governing body may accept any offer for purchase of real property provided the offer exceeds ninety percent of the appraised value of the real property as required by §   6-13-2. If a school board governing body sells real property by public auction or through a real estate broker, the school board governing body shall give notice of the sale of the real property as required by §   6-13-4.
     Section  2.  That § 5-18-18 be amended to read as follows:
     5-18-18.   The provisions of § §   5-18-1 to 5-18-17, inclusive, do not regulate or apply to contracts entered into and purchases made by the Department of Transportation or by the Bureau of Administration or to the purchase of electric power, light, water, or gas; or any

municipal corporation for the purchase of materials, supplies, or equipment for any utility owned or operated by such municipal corporation, if the purchase does not exceed the limits established pursuant to §   5-18-3; or to contracts of any municipal corporation in time of war to acquire, establish, construct, own, control, lease, equip, improve, maintain, operate, or regulate an airport or landing field for the use of airplanes or other aircraft, of the United States armed forces or its members, students, and mechanics; or to contracts of any public corporation for the purchase of materials, supplies, or equipment from the United States or its agencies; or to equipment repair contracts; or to the contracts of any school district, municipality, or county for the purchase or lease of communications technologies, computers, peripheral equipment, and related connectivity; or to the purchase of surplus property from another public corporation; or to the purchase by one local government entity from the lowest responsible bidder of an item competitively bid in the previous twelve months by itself or another local government entity or the state at the bid price or less; or to animals purchased by a municipality for a zoo ; or to contracts for real estate services or auction services .