State of South Dakota
391H0490 |
Introduced by:
Representatives Olson (Mel), Begalka, Jaspers, and Nesselhuf and Senators
Whiting, Hutmacher, Munson, Reedy, and Volesky
provide for the creation of a no solicitation calls list for
persons wishing not to receive unsolicited telephone calls, to create a telephone solicitation
account, and to establish certain fees and civil penalties.
Section 1. That § 49-31-1 be amended to read as follows:
49-31-1. Terms used in this chapter mean:
Section 1. That § 49-31-1 be amended to read as follows:
49-31-1. Terms used in this chapter mean:
"Addressable," enabling users to connect and communicate with a specific party easily
and securely on a dial-up, addressable basis;
"Available," ensuring that network services are available if the user requires them,
even at times of peak usage; designed to be a nonblocking network, minimizing
network contention;
"Broadband network," the broadband network extends the range of fully switched,
addressable, robust transport services over the fiber network which increase in
multiples of OC-1 (51.84 Mbps), including OC-3 (155.52 Mbps) and OC-12 (622.08
"Centron and centron-like services," services which provide custom switching features
which include distributive dial tone, select number screening, toll restriction and
screening, nonattendant busy out, nonattend and call transfer, and select trunk hunting
and screening;
"Commission," the Public Utilities Commission;
"Common carrier," anyone who offers telecommunications services to the public;
"Eligible telecommunications carrier," a local exchange carrier designated by the
commission pursuant to 47 U.S.C.
214(e) as of January 1, 1998, as eligible to
receive universal service support funding;
"Feature rich," providing the specific features and functionality required by users'
voice, data, video, graphics, imaging, and multimedia applications; functionally
beyond mere transport;
"Incumbent local exchange carrier," a local exchange carrier, including successors and
assigns, which was providing local exchange service within a defined service area in
this state on or before February 8, 1996;
"Interexchange telecommunications service," telecommunications service between
points in two or more exchanges;
"LATA," a local access and transport area;
"Local exchange area," a geographic area established by a local exchange carrier as
filed with or approved by the commission for the administration of local
telecommunications service which may consist of one or more central offices or wire
centers together with associated facilities used in furnishing telecommunications
service in that area;
"Local exchange service," the access to and transmission of two-way switched
telecommunications service within a local exchange area;
"Narrowband network," a fully switched digital network covering the transport range
from 0 to 144,000 bits per second (144 Kbps), offering two 64 Kbps information B
(Bearer) channels and a 16 Kbps signaling D (Delta) channel;
"New products and services," any new product or service introduced after July 1,
1988, which is not functionally required to provide local exchange service.
Repackaging of any product or service which is fully competitive with any service
regulated as emerging competitive or noncompetitive is not considered a new product
or service;
"Optional service," a limited or discretionary service offered by a telecommunications
company which is not functionally required for the provision of noncompetitive
services and which the customer has the option to purchase;
"Private," ensuring confidentiality and integrity of network transport of messages
without dependency on specialized customer premise security devices;
"Rate of return regulation," the procedure used by the commission to approve the
charge for a service which gives due consideration to the public need for adequate,
efficient, and reasonable service and to the need of the public utility for revenues
sufficient to enable it to meet its total current cost of furnishing such service, including
taxes and interest, and including adequate provision for depreciation of its utility
property used and necessary in rendering service to the public, and to earn a fair and
reasonable return upon the value of its property;
"Register," a list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of residential telephone
subscribers who have properly enrolled with the commission to prevent unsolicited
telephone calls;
(20) "Residential telephone subscriber," any person residing in South Dakota who has
residential telephone service;
"Robust," easily and economically sustaining the rigors of growth and extensive public
use, means for the use of the public in general or for a specific segment of the
public, or which connects to the public in general or for a specific segment of
the public, or which connects to the public switched network for access to any
telecommunications service;
(30) "Telephone solicitation call," a call made by a telephone solicitor, originating from
South Dakota or elsewhere, for the purpose of soliciting a sale of any consumer
goods or services to the person called, or for the purpose of soliciting an extension
of credit for consumer goods or services to the person called, or for the purpose of
obtaining information that may be used for the direct solicitation of a sale of consumer
goods or services to the person called or an extension of credit for such purposes;
(31) "Telephone solicitor," any person or organization who individually or through
salespersons, makes or causes to be made a telephone solicitation call. This term does
not include any not-for-profit or charitable organization exempt from federal income
taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as of
January 1, 2002;
(32) "Unsolicited telephone call," a telephone solicitation call other than a call made:
(a) In response to an express request of the person called;
(b) Primarily in connection with an existing debt or contract, payment or
performance of which has not been completed at the time of such call;
(c) To any person with whom the telephone solicitor has an existing business
relationship; or
(d) By a newspaper publisher or such publisher's agent or employee in connection
with such publisher's business;
Section 2. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Any telephone solicitor who makes unsolicited telephone calls shall institute procedures
which comply with the provisions of this Act for obtaining a list of persons who do not wish to
receive unsolicited telephone calls made by or on behalf of the telephone solicitor. No telephone
solicitor who makes unsolicited telephone calls may call any number listed on the register. The
commission may promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, concerning procedures,
requirements, standards concerning the use of the register, and application of the civil fines.
Section 3. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 3. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
The commission shall maintain a register of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each
South Dakota residential telephone subscriber who has elected not to receive unsolicited
telephone calls. The commission shall update the register every two months.
Section 4. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Section 4. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Any telephone solicitor who makes unsolicited telephone calls to South Dakota residential
telephone subscribers shall purchase a copy of the register from the commission. A telephone
solicitor shall submit a written application to the commission to purchase a copy of the register.
The application shall contain the telephone solicitor's name, address, telephone number, and
name of the agent for service of process along with a notarized statement from an officer of the
company affirming the company will comply with the provisions of this Act.
Section 5. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 5. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Any telephone solicitor who makes unsolicited telephone calls to South Dakota residential
telephone subscribers shall pay to the commission an annual fee of five hundred dollars. The
annual fee shall cover the time period from July first through June thirtieth, or any part thereof,
and entitles the telephone solicitor to receive copies of updated registers produced by the
commission for that time period. A copy of the register may be provided electronically or by
paper copy. Fees collected under this section shall be credited to the telephone solicitation
account which is hereby established in the state treasury. Any interest earned on money in the
fund shall be deposited in the fund. The money is continuously appropriated to the use of the
commission to implement and administer the provisions of this Act.
Section 6. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 6. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
The commission shall establish and provide for the operation of a register. The register may
be operated by the commission or by another entity under contract with the commission. A
residential telephone subscriber may enroll on the register in accordance with procedures
prescribed by the commission. Enrollment on the register is effective sixty days following the first
day of the succeeding month of enrollment by the subscriber. Fees collected under this section
shall be credited to the telephone solicitation account established in section 5 of this Act.
That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
A residential telephone subscriber remains on the register for a period of two years or until
the subscriber requests that the commission remove the subscriber's name from the register.
Section 8. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 8. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Any telecommunications company that provides local exchange service shall inform its
customers of the provisions of this Act by annual inserts in the billing statements mailed to its
customers and by publication of the notice in the consumer pages of its telephone directories.
Section 9. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 9. That chapter 49-31 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Any person who violates this Act or any rules promulgated pursuant to this Act is subject
to a civil penalty to be imposed by the commission, after notice and opportunity for hearing. The
commission may impose a civil fine of not more than five thousand dollars for each offense. In
determining the amount of the penalty upon finding a violation, or the amount of a compromise
settlement, the commission shall consider the appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the
business of the person charged, prior offenses and compliance history, and the good faith of the
person charged in attempting to achieve compliance. Any penalty collected pursuant to this
section shall be credited to the telephone solicitation account established pursuant to section 5
of this Act.