State of South Dakota
607H0547 |
SB 151
Introduced by:
Senators Munson, Albers, Brown (Arnold), de Hueck, Dennert, Hagen,
Hutmacher, Kleven, McIntyre, and Symens and Representatives Davis,
Bartling, Begalka, Broderick, Brown (Richard), Burg, Clark, Duniphan,
Flowers, Glenski, Hargens, Hennies (Thomas), Holbeck, Koistinen, Madsen,
Murschel, Nachtigal, Nesselhuf, Olson (Mel), Peterson (Bill), Peterson (Jim),
Pummel, Richter, Solum, Van Gerpen, and Wick
Section 1. Terms used in this Act mean:
transaction and agrees to hold the check for a period of time before negotiation
or presentment; or
Section 2. No person may engage in the business of deferred presentment service transactions without a license issued under this Act. A separate license is required for each location from which the business of deferred presentment service transactions is conducted. Any state or national bank, savings bank, trust company, savings or building and loan association, or federal credit union is exempt from this Act, and any person selling goods or services and providing financing for such goods or services is exempt from this Act unless engaged in the business of deferred presentment service transactions.
Section 3. Any person who engages in the business of deferred presentment service transactions shall apply for a license as prescribed by this Act. The applicant shall apply for a license under oath on forms supplied by the division. The application shall contain the name of the applicant's business, proof of surety bond, address of the business, and other information as required by the director by rule or order. The applicant shall pay an original license fee as set by rules of the commission pursuant to chapter 1-26 not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars. If the application of an existing licensee is for an additional location, the application need only include the location and identity of the location manager, plus any changes from the existing license, or such other information the director may consider necessary.
Section 4. The director shall approve or deny an application for a license within thirty days of receipt of any application.
Section 5. The applicant shall submit with the application for a license a bond in an amount not to exceed the total of five thousand dollars for the first license and one thousand dollars for each additional license. The bond shall be satisfactory to the director and issued by a surety company qualified to do business as a surety in this state. The bond shall be in favor of this state for the use of this state and any person who has a cause of action under this Act against the licensee. The bond shall be conditioned on:
Section 6. The director shall investigate the facts and, after review, either deny or grant a license based on the findings.
Section 7. A licensee shall keep the license conspicuously posted in the place of business of the licensee.
Section 8. Any license shall be renewed on July first. To renew a license, the licensee shall file for renewal by June fifteenth. The renewal application shall include a renewal fee not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars, as set by the commission pursuant to chapter 1-26, proof of surety bond, and any other information as required by the director, by rule or order.
Section 9. The licensee may not transfer or assign the license. The licensee may only transact business under a name shown on the license. Any name change is subject to prior approval by
the director.
Each licensee's business location shall be licensed. The director shall approve or
deny any change of location. The director shall amend the license to show the new location upon
granting approval.
The director may, upon ten days notice to the licensee, issue a cease and desist
order from any practice that does not conform to the requirements set forth in this Act or rules
adopted by commission.
The director may revoke a license for good cause pursuant to chapter 1-26. If
the licensee is the holder of more than one license, the director may revoke any or all of the
An action may also be brought by the attorney general or the division, or both,
to enjoin a licensee from engaging in or continuing a violation or from doing any act in
furtherance thereof. In any action, an order or judgment may be entered awarding a temporary
or permanent injunction.
In addition to any other means provided by law for the enforcement of a
restraining order or injunction, the court, in which the action is brought, may impound, and
appoint a receiver for, the property and business of the defendant, including books, papers,
documents, and records, as the court may deem reasonably necessary to prevent violations of
this Act. The receiver, when so appointed and qualified, shall control the custody, collection,
administration, and liquidation of the property and business.
No person may engage in the business of deferred presentment service
transactions without a license. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Any money received by the division pursuant to this Act shall be deposited in the
banking revolving fund.
Section 17. Each licensee, whether a corporation or otherwise, shall pay the annual tax provided in chapter 10-43, upon the net income of the licensee, and measured by the net income assignable to such business in South Dakota. The annual tax provided by this section may not be less than twenty-four dollars.
Section 18. Except for taxes on real property and license fees and other fees imposed by this Act, the tax imposed in section 17 of this Act is in lieu of all other taxes and license fees, state, county, or local, upon the business of the licensee, or upon any money, credits, or other assets of the licensee whether tangible or intangible, and which money, credits, or other assets are used for or in connection with the conduct of business transacted in South Dakota. However, amounts determined to be in excess of business capital requirements are not exempt from other taxes.
Section 19. Each licensee shall annually file with its renewal application a report of income and financial condition for the preceding license year or any other relevant information requested in writing by the director. These reports shall be under oath and on forms prescribed by the division by rule or order.
Section 20. The division shall annually conduct an examination of business records and accounts of any licensee licensed under this Act. The director may order an examination if circumstances require a special examination. The director may charge back to the licensee any cost associated with an on-site examination. The director may waive an on-site examination and only require an annual self-examination. If a licensee conducts a self-examination, the licensee shall provide any information requested under oath and on forms provided by the division by order or rule.
Section 21. Before disbursing funds under a deferred presentment service transaction, a licensee shall provide to the maker of the check a clear and conspicuous printed notice indicating:
Section 22. A licensee may not disburse more than five hundred dollars to the maker of a check in a deferred presentment service transaction. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 23. A licensee may not engage in a deferred presentment service transaction with a customer who has an aggregate face value of all outstanding checks from any one maker exceeding five hundred dollars which is payable to the same or any other licensee. A licensee may rely on a written representation of a maker regarding the existence of any outstanding checks for deferred presentment held by a licensee other than the licensee receiving the representation. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 24. A licensee may not renew a deferred presentment service transaction more than four times. No renewal may be allowed unless the maker of the check pays the outstanding fee at the time of the renewal.
Section 25. Each deferred presentment service transaction, including a renewal, must be
documented by a written agreement signed by the maker of the check. The written agreement
must contain the following:
Section 26. If a check is returned to the licensee from a payer financial institution due to insufficient funds, closed account, or a stop payment order, the licensee has the right to all civil remedies available to collect the check. The licensee may contract for and collect a returned check charge not to exceed thirty dollars per customer, per check, per year. No other fee or charge may be collected as a result of a returned check or as a result of default by the maker of the check in timely payment to the licensee. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 27. Each licensee shall conspicuously post in the licensee's licensed location a notice of the fees imposed for the deferred presentment service. A violation of this section is a Class
1 misdemeanor.
A licensee may not renew, repay, refinance, or consolidate a deferred
presentment service transaction with the proceeds of another deferred presentment service
transaction with that licensee by the same maker or customer. A violation of this section is a
Class 1 misdemeanor.
A licensee shall provide a notice in a prominent place on each deferred
presentment service agreement in no less than twelve-point type in substantially the following
Section 30. Any licensee may advertise in any medium. No licensee may advertise any statement or representation, including rates, terms, or conditions for making or negotiating loans that is false, misleading, or deceptive, or that refers to the supervision of business by the state. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 31. That § 54-4-37 be amended to read as follows:
54-4-37. Any state or national bank, savings bank, trust company, savings or building and loan association,