Senate Bill 166
make an appropriation to the Department of Education and Cultural Affairs to reimburse fees and provide a stipend for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certified teachers, to provide for a teacher enhancement program, and to revise the calculation of state aid to education.
The Committee on Education at the request of the Governor
01/22/2002 First read in Senate and referred to Senate Education S.J. 169 N/A
02/05/2002 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date
02/05/2002 Senate Education Do Pass,, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0.
02/06/2002 Senate Do Pass,, Passed, YEAS 29, NAYS 4. S.J. 417
02/07/2002 First read in House and referred to House Education H.J. 530 N/A
02/14/2002 House of Representatives Re-referred to House Appropriations, Passed H.J. 665 N/A
02/19/2002 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 0:00:00.0
02/19/2002 House Appropriations Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 1. 0:00:00.0
02/19/2002 House Appropriations Title Amended, Passed 0:00:00.0
02/20/2002 Motion to Amend,, Passed H.J. 769
02/20/2002 Motion to Amend, H.J. 769
02/20/2002 Motion to Amend, H.J. 769
02/20/2002 Tabled amendment, Passed, YEAS 47, NAYS 21. H.J. 770
02/20/2002 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended,, Failed, YEAS 35, NAYS 34. H.J. 771
02/20/2002 House of Representatives Reconsidered, Passed, YEAS 46, NAYS 21. H.J. 778
02/20/2002 Motion to Amend,, Passed H.J. 779
02/20/2002 Amend the amendment, Passed H.J. 780
02/20/2002 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 46, NAYS 22. H.J. 780
02/22/2002 House of Representatives Conference Committee appointments H.J. 837 N/A

Bill Text Versions

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