State of South Dakota
555M0051 |
HB 1009
Introduced by:
Representatives Rhoden, Glover, Hargens, Howie, Jensen, McCoy, Murschel,
and Turbiville and Senators McNenny, Hundstad, Lintz, and Peterson (Jim)
at the request of the Interim Committee on Classifications of Real Property
Study Committee
create additional classifications of agricultural property
and to revise certain provisions concerning the taxation of certain agricultural property.
Section 1. That § 10-6-31.3 be amended to read as follows:
10-6-31.3. For tax purposes, land is class one agricultural land if it meets
two of
Section 1. That § 10-6-31.3 be amended to read as follows:
10-6-31.3. For tax purposes, land is class one agricultural land if it meets
At least thirty-three and one-third percent of the total family gross income of the
owner is derived
In three of the previous five years, the operator derived a gross
from the pursuit of agriculture as defined in subdivision (2) of this section
or it is a state-owned public shooting area or a state-owned game production area as
identified in § 41-4-8 and it is owned and managed by the Department of Game, Fish
and Parks;
that is at least five percent of the assessed value of the bare land,
excluding any improvements. If it is a crop share arrangement, the gross income of
both the landlord and the tenant shall be combined and used to meet this criteria;
Its principal use is devoted to the raising and harvesting of crops or timber or fruit
trees, the rearing, feeding, and management of farm livestock, poultry, fish, or
nursery stock, the production of bees and apiary products, or horticulture, all for
intended profit pursuant to subdivision (1) of this section. Agricultural real estate also
includes woodland, wasteland, and pasture land, but only if the land is held and
operated in conjunction with agricultural real estate as defined and it is under the
same ownership;
It consists of not less than twenty acres of
land or is a part of a contiguous
ownership of not less than eighty acres of
. The same acreage
specifications apply to platted land
, excluding land platted as a subdivision
, which
is in an unincorporated area
. However, the board of county commissioners may
increase the minimum acre requirement up to one hundred sixty acres.
However, for tax purposes, land is not
class one
agricultural land if the land is classified
pursuant to § 10-6-33.14 as a nonagricultural acreage.
Section 2. That chapter 10-6 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 2. That chapter 10-6 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
For tax purposes, land is class two agricultural land if it meets two of the following three
In three of the previous five years, the operator derived a gross income from the
pursuit of agriculture as defined in subdivision (2) of this section that is at least five
percent of the assessed value of the bare land, excluding any improvements. If it is
a crop share arrangement, the gross income of both the landlord and the tenant shall
be combined and used to meet this criteria;
Its principal use is devoted to the raising and harvesting of crops or timber or fruit
trees, the rearing, feeding, and management of farm livestock, poultry, fish, or
nursery stock, the production of bees and apiary products, or horticulture, all for
intended profit pursuant to subdivision (1) of this section. Agricultural real estate also
includes woodland, wasteland, and pasture land, but only if the land is held and
operated in conjunction with agricultural real estate as defined and it is under the
same ownership; or
It consists of not less than twenty acres of land or is a part of a contiguous ownership
of not less than eighty acres of land, excluding land platted as a subdivision.
However, the board of county commissioners may increase the minimum acre
requirement up to one hundred sixty acres.
However, for tax purposes, land is not class two agricultural land if the land is classified
pursuant to § 10-6-31.3 as class one agricultural land or § 10-6-33.14 as a nonagricultural
Section 3. That chapter 10-6 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 3. That chapter 10-6 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
The director of equalization may request documentation from the owner or operator to
determine whether the owner or operator meets the minimum eligibility criteria for gross income
established by subdivision 10-6-31.3(1) or subdivision (1) of section 2 of this Act. If the owner
or operator does not provide such documentation, the director of equalization may find that the
owner or operator does meet the minimum eligibility criteria for gross income established by
subdivision 10-6-31.3(1) or subdivision (1) of section 2 of this Act.
Section 4. That § 2-14-2 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SUBDIVISION to read as follows:
Section 4. That § 2-14-2 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SUBDIVISION to read as follows:
"Agricultural land," any class one agricultural land as defined by
10-6-31.3 or class two
agricultural land as defined by section 2 of this Act, unless otherwise specified.
Section 5. That § 10-12-42 be amended to read as follows:
10-12-42. For taxes payable in
and each year thereafter, the levy for the general
fund of a school district shall be as follows:
Section 5. That § 10-12-42 be amended to read as follows:
10-12-42. For taxes payable in
The maximum tax levy shall be eleven dollars per thousand dollars of taxable
valuation subject to the limitations on
class one
as provided
in subdivision (2) of this section, owner-occupied property as provided for in
subdivision (3) of this section,
nonagricultural acreage property as provided for
in subdivision (4) of this section
, and class two agricultural land as provided in
subdivision (5) of this section
The maximum tax levy on
class one
for such school district
shall be three dollars and nineteen cents per thousand dollars of taxable valuation. If
the district's levies are less than the maximum levies as stated in this section, the
levies shall maintain the same proportion to each other as represented in the
mathematical relationship at the maximum levies;
The maximum tax levy for an owner-occupied single-family dwelling as defined in
§ 10-13-40, for such school district may not exceed five dollars and thirteen cents per
thousand dollars of taxable valuation. If the district's levies are less than the
maximum levies as stated in this section, the levies shall maintain the same
proportion to each other as represented in the mathematical relationship at the
maximum levies;
The maximum tax levy on nonagricultural acreage property as defined in § 10-6-
33.14, for such school district shall be four dollars and nineteen cents per thousand
dollars of taxable valuation. If the district's levies are less than the maximum levies
as stated in this section, the levies shall maintain the same proportion to each other
as represented in the mathematical relationship at the maximum levies
; and
The maximum tax levy on
class two agricultural land as defined in section 2 of this
, for such school district shall be four dollars and nineteen cents per thousand
dollars of taxable valuation. If the district's levies are less than the maximum levies
as stated in this section, the levies shall maintain the same proportion to each other
as represented in the mathematical relationship at the maximum levies
All levies in this section shall be imposed on valuations where the median level of
assessment represents eighty-five percent of market value as determined by the Department of
Revenue and Regulation. These valuations shall be used for all school funding purposes. If the
district has imposed an excess levy pursuant to § 10-12-43, the levies shall maintain the same
proportion to each other as represented in the mathematical relationship at the maximum levies
in this section. The school district may elect to tax at less than the maximum amounts set forth
in this section.
Section 6. That chapter 10-6 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Section 6. That chapter 10-6 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
Notwithstanding the provisions of
10-6-31.3, any state-owned public shooting area or a
state-owned game production area, as identified in
41-4-8, and owned and managed by the
Department of Game, Fish and Parks shall be classified as class one agricultural land for tax