House Bill 1242
transfer funds from the railroad trust fund to the property tax reduction fund.
The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Governor
01/25/2006 First read in House and referred to House Appropriations H.J. 227 N/A
02/07/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 2:12.0
02/08/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 0:45:44.0
02/08/2006 House Appropriations Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 1. 0:45:44.0
02/10/2006 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 50, NAYS 16. H.J. 524 2:01:32.0
02/13/2006 First read in Senate and referred to Senate Appropriations S.J. 475 N/A
02/17/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 1:03:51.0
02/22/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 1:47:25.0
02/22/2006 Senate Appropriations Tabled, Passed, YEAS 9, NAYS 0. 1:47:25.0

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