House Bill 1091
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of a year-round rodeo practice facility on the campus of South Dakota State University, together with equipment and furnishings, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
Representatives Tidemann (prime), Anderson, Bartels, Blare, Bordeaux, Chaffee, Davis, Deutsch, Finck, Fitzgerald, Goodwin, Hoffman (Charlie), Jensen (Kevin), Koth, Miskimins, Pourier, Reed, Thomason, Vasgaard, and Wiese and Senators Tobin (prime), Cammack, Foster, Heinert, Johnson, Rohl, Smith (V. J.), and Wiik
Date | Action | Audio | Location |
01/20/2022 | First Reading House H.J. 46 | N/A | |
01/21/2022 | Referred to House Education H.J. 56 | N/A | |
02/02/2022 | Scheduled for hearing | 5:28 | |
02/02/2022 | House Education Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 13, NAYS 2. | 5:28 |
Bill Text Versions
Date | HTML Format | PDF Format |
01/20/2022 | Introduced | Introduced |
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
No data available |
Previous Amendments
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
No data available |