House Bill 1031
make an appropriation to the Board of Technical Education to construct an advanced manufacturing laboratory space and classrooms on the campus of Lake Area Technical College and to declare an emergency.
The House Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Board of Technical Education
Date | Action | Audio | Location |
01/11/2022 | First Reading House H.J. 7 | N/A | |
01/19/2022 | Referred to House Education H.J. 40 | N/A | |
01/24/2022 | Scheduled for hearing | 51:45 | |
01/24/2022 | Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations, Passed, YEAS 14, NAYS 0. | 51:45 | |
01/25/2022 | Referred to House Committee on Appropriations, Passed H.J. 115 | N/A | |
02/22/2022 | Scheduled for hearing | 3:40 | |
02/22/2022 | House Committee on Appropriations Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0. | 3:40 | |
02/23/2022 | Scheduled for hearing | N/A | |
02/23/2022 | House of Representatives Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 64, NAYS 4. H.J. 452 | 4:38:09 | |
02/24/2022 | First read in Senate and referred to Senate Committee on Appropriations S.J. 380 | N/A | |
03/01/2022 | Scheduled for hearing | 1:17:20 | |
03/01/2022 | Senate Committee on Appropriations Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0. | 1:17:20 | |
03/02/2022 | Senate Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 33, NAYS 1. S.J. 443 | 1:43:53 | |
03/03/2022 | Signed by the Speaker H.J. 588 | N/A | |
03/07/2022 | Signed by the President S.J. 479 | N/A | |
03/08/2022 | Delivered to the Governor on Tuesday, March 08, 2022 H.J. 626 | N/A | |
03/28/2022 | Signed by the Governor on Monday, March 21, 2022 H.J. 688 | N/A |
Bill Text Versions
Date | HTML Format | PDF Format |
01/06/2022 | Introduced | Introduced |
03/03/2022 | Enrolled | Enrolled |
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
No data available |
Previous Amendments
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
No data available |