Senate Bill 185
establish the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States – South Dakota and revise provisions related to the foreign ownership or control of agricultural land.
Senators Tobin (prime), Castleberry, Novstrup, and Wiik and Representatives Cammack (prime), Fitzgerald, Ladner, Moore, Perry, and Reisch
02/01/2023First read in Senate and referred to Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources S.J. 160 N/A
02/14/2023Scheduled for hearing 1:54
02/14/2023 Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 185A 1:54
02/14/2023 Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0. 1:54
02/16/2023 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 291 N/A
02/21/2023 Senate Motion to amend, Passed S.J. 304 Amendment 185D 35:58
02/21/2023 Senate Do Pass Amended, Failed, YEAS 11, NAYS 23. S.J. 306 35:58
02/21/2023 Intent to reconsider S.J. 306 35:58
02/22/2023No motion to reconsider S.J. 316 N/A

Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
TobinAdopted185D (PDF)  (HTML)185D(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Engrossed
TobinNot Moved185C (PDF)  (HTML)185C(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Engrossed
PischkeNot Moved185B (PDF)  (HTML)185B(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Engrossed
Previous Amendments
Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
TobinAdopted185A (PDF)  (HTML)185A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced