House Bill 1137
reduce certain gross receipts tax rates and a use tax rate, and to repeal a conditional reduction of certain gross receipts tax rates.
Representatives Karr (prime), Auch, Aylward, Deutsch, Gross, Jensen (Phil), Krohmer, Lems, May, Mills, Moore, Mulder, Overweg, Perry, Pinnow, Reisch, Sjaarda, Soye, and Tordsen and Senators Maher (prime), Hoffman, Johnson, and Pischke
Fiscal Notes:
01/25/2023First read in House and referred to House Taxation H.J. 104 N/A
01/31/2023Scheduled for hearing 1:00:03
01/31/2023 Referred to House Committee on Appropriations, Passed, YEAS 12, NAYS 0. 1:00:03
02/21/2023Scheduled for hearing 4:42
02/21/2023 House Committee on Appropriations Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1137A 4:42
02/21/2023 House Committee on Appropriations Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 1. 4:42
02/22/2023 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 66, NAYS 3. H.J. 351 1:08:23
02/23/2023First read in Senate and referred to Senate Taxation S.J. 328 N/A
02/27/2023Scheduled for hearing 3:52
02/27/2023 Senate Taxation Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1137C 3:52
02/27/2023 Senate Taxation Referred as Amended to Senate Committee on Appropriations, Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 0. 3:52
03/01/2023Scheduled for hearing 1:03:10
03/01/2023 Senate Committee on Appropriations Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 1. 1:03:10
03/01/2023 Senate Committee on Appropriations Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1137F 1:03:10
03/06/2023 Placed on calendar, Passed S.J. 424 1:20:49
03/06/2023 Senate Motion to amend, Passed S.J. 429 Amendment 1137G 1:20:49
03/06/2023 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 33, NAYS 2. S.J. 430 1:20:49
03/07/2023 House of Representatives Failed to concur, appoint Conference Committee, Passed H.J. 498 N/A
03/07/2023 Senate Conference Committee appointments S.J. 450 N/A
03/09/2023 Conference Committee 1137 A Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1137RN/A
03/09/2023 Senate Conference Committee Report adopted, Passed, YEAS 31, NAYS 2. S.J. 481 N/A
03/09/2023 House of Representatives Conference Committee Report adopted, Passed, YEAS 70, NAYS 0. H.J. 529 N/A
03/09/2023Signed by the Speaker H.J. 543 N/A
03/09/2023Signed by the President S.J. 490 N/A
03/09/2023 Delivered to the Governor on Thursday, March 09, 2023 H.J. 541 N/A
03/27/2023 Signed by the Governor on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 H.J. 545 N/A

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Previous Amendments
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NesibaN/A1137S (PDF)  (HTML)1137S(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Engrossed
MaherAdopted1137R (PDF)  (HTML)1137R(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Engrossed
KarrN/A1137Q (PDF)  (HTML)1137Q(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Engrossed
MaherN/A1137P (PDF)  (HTML)1137P(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Engrossed
KarrN/A1137K (PDF)  (HTML)1137K(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Engrossed
MaherN/A1137I (PDF)  (HTML)1137I(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Engrossed
HoffmanFailed1137H (PDF)  (HTML)1137H(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Appropriations Engrossed
MaherAdopted1137G (PDF)  (HTML)1137G(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Appropriations Engrossed
MaherAdopted1137F (PDF)  (HTML)1137F(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Taxation Engrossed
MaherN/A1137E (PDF)  (HTML)1137E(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Taxation Engrossed
StalzerAdopted1137C (PDF)  (HTML)1137C(PDF)  (HTML)House Appropriations Engrossed
NesibaN/A1137B (PDF)  (HTML)1137B(PDF)  (HTML)House Appropriations Engrossed
VenhuizenAdopted1137A (PDF)  (HTML)1137A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced