Senate Bill 189
prohibit purchasing agencies from contracting with companies owned or controlled by certain foreign entities or governments.
Senators Stalzer (prime), Castleberry, Hoffman, Novstrup, and Wiik and Representatives Tordsen (prime), Perry, and Reimer
02/01/2023First read in Senate and referred to Senate State Affairs S.J. 162 N/A
02/13/2023Scheduled for hearingN/A
02/15/2023Scheduled for hearing 1:17
02/15/2023 Senate State Affairs Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 189C 1:17
02/15/2023 Senate State Affairs Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 9, NAYS 0. 1:17
02/21/2023 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 32, NAYS 2. S.J. 306 1:08:50
02/22/2023First read in House and referred to House State Affairs H.J. 348 N/A
03/01/2023Scheduled for hearing 2:50
03/01/2023 House State Affairs Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 13, NAYS 0. 2:50
03/01/2023 Certified uncontested, placed on consent 2:50
03/02/2023 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 69, NAYS 0. H.J. 459 N/A
03/06/2023Signed by the President S.J. 430 N/A
03/07/2023Signed by the Speaker H.J. 506 N/A
03/08/2023 Delivered to the Governor on Wednesday, March 08, 2023 S.J. 461 N/A
03/27/2023 Signed by the Governor on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 S.J. 495 N/A

Bill Text Versions

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