2024 House Bill 1197 - SD Legislature require the publication of measures taken to restrict the access of obscene materials by minors.

24.439.20 99th Legislative Session 1197

2024 South Dakota Legislature

House Bill 1197

Introduced by: Representative Stevens

An Act to require the publication of measures taken to restrict the access of obscene materials by minors.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That § 22-24-55 be AMENDED:

22-24-55. AnyEach public school that provides a public access computer in the state shall do one or both of the following:

(1) Equip the each public access computer with software that will limit minors' ability to gain access to obscene matter or materials, as defined by § 22-24-27, or purchase internet connectivity from an internet service provider that provides filter services to limit access to obscene materials; or and

(2) Develop and implement, by January 1, 2001 2025, a local policy that establishes measures to restrict minors from computer access to accessing obscene matter or materials. The school board shall:

(a) Publish the policy on the school district's website; or

(b) Publish the policy annually in the legal newspaper designated by the school board pursuant to § 13-8-10.

Section 2. That § 22-24-56 be AMENDED:

22-24-56. AnyEach public library that provides a public access computer in the state shall develop:

(1) Equip each public access computer with software that will limit minors' ability to gain access to obscene matter or material, as defined by § 22-24-27, or purchase internet connectivity from an internet service provider that provides filter services to limit access to obscene material; and

(2) Develop and implement, by January 1, 2001 2025, a local policy that establishes measures to restrict minors from computer access to accessing obscene matter or materials. The public library shall:

(a) Publish the policy on the official website of the political subdivision that maintains the library; or

(b) Publish the policy annually in a legal newspaper designated by the governing body of the political subdivision that maintains the library pursuant to § 7-18-3 or 9-12-6.

Underscores indicate new language.

Overstrikes indicate deleted language.