Senate Bill 99
modify provisions pertaining to applying for an absentee ballot application and to declare an emergency.
Senators Duhamel (prime) and Deibert and Representatives Massie (prime), Drury, Duba, Duffy, and Pinnow
01/19/2024First read in Senate and referred to Senate State Affairs S.J. 119 N/A
01/24/2024Scheduled for hearing 39:54
01/24/2024 Senate State Affairs Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 99A 39:54
01/24/2024 Senate State Affairs Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 0. 39:54
01/24/2024 Certified uncontested, placed on consent 39:54
01/29/2024Remove from Consent Calendar S.J. 191 N/A
01/30/2024 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 30, NAYS 1. S.J. 205 43:33
01/31/2024First read in House and referred to House State Affairs H.J. 216 N/A
02/21/2024Scheduled for hearing 12:12
02/21/2024 House State Affairs Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 99B 12:12
02/21/2024 House State Affairs Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 12, NAYS 0. 12:12
02/23/2024 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 64, NAYS 1. H.J. 388 18:44
02/27/2024 Senate Concurred in amendments, Passed, YEAS 33, NAYS 0. S.J. 423 N/A
02/28/2024Signed by the President S.J. 447 N/A
02/29/2024Signed by the Speaker H.J. 446 N/A
03/04/2024 Delivered to the Governor on Monday, March 04, 2024 S.J. 464 N/A
03/26/2024 Signed by the Governor on Thursday, March 14, 2024 S.J. 528 N/A

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Previous Amendments
Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
MassieAdopted99B (PDF)  (HTML)99B(PDF)  (HTML)Senate State Affairs Engrossed
DuhamelAdopted99A (PDF)  (HTML)99A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced