Senate Bill 210
establish an individual's right to make autonomous decisions about the individual's reproductive health care, and to repeal provisions related to abortion.
Senators Nesiba (prime) and Larson and Representatives Duba, Nelson (Kameron), and Wittman
01/31/2024First read in Senate and referred to Senate Judiciary S.J. 219 N/A
02/02/2024 Referred to Senate Health and Human Services, Passed S.J. 248 N/A
02/14/2024Scheduled for hearing 21:35
02/14/2024 Senate Health and Human Services Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0. 21:35

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
01/31/2024 IntroducedIntroduced

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