Senate Bill 152
revise certain provisions concerning state aid to education, to revise and provide for the adjustment of the per student allocation for the state aid to general education formula, and to revise certain property tax levies for the general fund of a school district.
01/27/2011First read in Senate and referred to Senate Education S.J. 226 N/A
02/08/2011Scheduled for hearing 0:01:28
02/08/2011 Senate Education Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 1. 0:01:28
02/09/2011 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 379 N/A
02/16/2011 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 451 N/A
02/22/2011 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 483 N/A
02/23/2011 Senate Motion to amend, Passed, YEAS 35, NAYS . S.J. 503 Amendment 152fc 0:50:30
02/23/2011 Senate Motion to amend, Passed S.J. 504 Amendment 152tb 0:50:30
02/23/2011 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 28, NAYS 7. S.J. 504 0:50:30
02/24/2011First read in House and referred to House Appropriations H.J. 514 N/A
02/28/2011Scheduled for hearing 00:06:25
03/02/2011Scheduled for hearing 00:02:27
03/07/2011Scheduled for hearing 1:00
03/07/2011 House Appropriations Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 152fh 1:00
03/07/2011 House Appropriations Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 9, NAYS . 1:00
03/07/2011 House Appropriations Title amended, Passed Amendment 152ftd 1:00
03/08/2011 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 47, NAYS 21. H.J. 682 02:04:32
03/09/2011 Senate Concurred in amendments, Passed, YEAS 29, NAYS 3. S.J. 674 N/A
03/10/2011Signed by the Speaker H.J. 727 N/A
03/10/2011Signed by the President S.J. 688 N/A
03/11/2011 Delivered to the Governor on Friday, March 11, 2011 S.J. 692 N/A
03/28/2011 Signed by the Governor on Friday, March 11, 2011 S.J. 706 N/A

Bill Text Versions

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