House Bill 1017
require the acceptance of a cash payment for admission to a school-affiliated event.
01/14/2025First read in House and referred to House Education H.J. 12 N/A
01/27/2025Scheduled for hearing 3:04
01/27/2025 House Education Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1017A 3:04
01/27/2025 House Education Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 7. 3:04
01/30/2025 House of Representatives Motion to amend, Passed H.J. 161 Amendment 1017E 49:30
01/30/2025 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Failed, YEAS 34, NAYS 32. H.J. 162 49:30
01/30/2025 Intent to reconsider H.J. 162 49:30
02/03/2025 House of Representatives Reconsidered, Failed, YEAS 35, NAYS 33. H.J. 169 6:00

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
01/08/2025 IntroducedIntroduced
01/28/2025 House Education EngrossedHouse Education Engrossed

Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
SjaardaAdopted1017E (PDF)  (HTML)1017E(PDF)  (HTML)House Education Engrossed
Previous Amendments
Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
GarciaN/A1017C (PDF)  (HTML)1017C(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced
SjaardaAdopted1017A (PDF)  (HTML)1017A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced