2025 Senate Bill 174 - SD Legislature include certain types of vehicles in the abandoned titling process.

25.268.21 100th Legislative Session 174

2025 South Dakota Legislature

Senate Bill 174

Introduced by: Senator Wheeler

An Act to include certain types of vehicles in the abandoned titling process.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That § 32-36-2 be AMENDED:

32-36-2. Terms used in this chapter mean:

(1) "Abandoned motor vehicle," any motor vehicle left on a public street or highway or left on private property without the permission of the landowner or tenant;

(2) "Impounded vehicle," any motor vehicle removed or caused to be removed from a public highway pursuant to § 32-30-19;

(3) "Junk motor vehicle," any motor vehicle which that has been placed on the property of a recognized junk dealer for the purposes of salvage;

(4) "Motor vehicle," automobiles, motor trucks, motorcycles, house trailers, trailer coaches, cabin trailers, and all vehicles propelled by power other than muscular power, except traction engines, road rollers, fire trucks, wagons and engines, police and patrol wagons, farm wagons, freight trailers, and such vehicles as run only on rails or tracks automobile, boat as defined by § 32-3A-2, house trailer, moped as defined by § 32-3-1, motor truck, motorcycle, off-road vehicle as defined by § 32-20-1, snowmobile as defined by § 32-20A-1, trailer as defined by § 32-3-1, and all vehicles propelled by power other than muscular power, but not a:

(a) Engine;

(b) Farm wagon;

(c) Road roller;

(d) Traction engine; or

(e) Vehicle that runs only on rails or tracks;

(5) "Removal agency," any public body, or private or nonprofit organization, authorized to remove and salvage abandoned and junk motor vehicles and other scrap metals. The A removal agency may be authorized by chapter 32-30 to remove vehicles, may be hired or appointed by a public body, or may be in the business of removing or salvaging vehicles; and

(6) "Scrap metals," waste or refuse metals that have been in actual use and have been abandoned and are fit only to be remanufactured or recycled.

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Overstrikes indicate deleted language.