House Bill 1016
revise provisions related to pharmacy and to increase fees.
The Chair of the Committee on Health and Human Services at the request of the State Board of Pharmacy
01/14/2025First read in House and referred to House Health and Human Services H.J. 12 N/A
01/28/2025Scheduled for hearing 1:31:35
01/28/2025 House Health and Human Services Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1016A 1:31:35
01/28/2025 House Health and Human Services Referred as Amended to House Committee on Appropriations, Passed, YEAS 12, NAYS 1. 1:31:35
02/07/2025Scheduled for hearing 43:57
02/07/2025 House Committee on Appropriations Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1016B 43:57
02/18/2025Scheduled for hearingN/A
02/19/2025Scheduled for hearingN/A
02/21/2025Scheduled for hearing 39:08
02/21/2025 House Committee on Appropriations Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 0. 39:08
02/25/2025 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 69, NAYS 1. H.J. 386 20:05
02/26/2025First read in Senate and referred to Senate Health and Human Services S.J. 393 N/A
03/03/2025Scheduled for hearing 1:08:57
03/03/2025 Senate Health and Human Services Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0. 1:08:57
03/04/2025 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 27, NAYS 8. S.J. 435 27:10
03/04/2025 Senate Title amended, Passed S.J. 435 Amendment 1016C 27:10
03/06/2025 House of Representatives Concurred in amendments, Passed, YEAS 66, NAYS 3. H.J. 477 N/A
03/10/2025Signed by the Speaker H.J. 510 N/A
03/11/2025Signed by the President S.J. 512 N/A
03/12/2025 Delivered to the Governor on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 H.J. 528 N/A

Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
No data available
Previous Amendments
Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
Adopted1016C (PDF)  (HTML)1016C(PDF)  (HTML)House Appropriations Engrossed
JorgensonAdopted1016B (PDF)  (HTML)1016B(PDF)  (HTML)House Health and Human Services Engrossed
RehfeldtAdopted1016A (PDF)  (HTML)1016A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced