Senate Bill 50
prohibit the use of drones for purposes of assessing real property for taxation, and to provide a penalty therefor.
Senators Carley (prime), Grove, Peterson (Sue), Pischke, Voight, and Voita and Representatives Greenfield (prime), Aylward, Baxter, Garcia, Hunt, Ismay, Jensen (Phil), Jordan, Mulally, Rice, and Sjaarda
01/14/2025First Reading Senate S.J. 14 N/A
01/21/2025Referred to Senate Commerce and Energy S.J. 63 N/A
02/04/2025Scheduled for hearing 1:04:40
02/04/2025 Senate Commerce and Energy Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 5, NAYS 2. 1:04:40
02/05/2025 Senate Do Pass, Failed, YEAS 17, NAYS 16. S.J. 182 22:45
02/05/2025 Intent to reconsider S.J. 182 22:45
02/06/2025 Senate Reconsidered, Failed, YEAS 17, NAYS 18. S.J. 192 N/A

Bill Text Versions
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01/08/2025 IntroducedIntroduced

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