2025 Senate Bill 107 - SD Legislature exempt trailer manufacturers and trailer dealers from certain provisions regarding motor vehicle dealer license requirements.

25.496.9 100th Legislative Session 107

2025 South Dakota Legislature

Senate Bill 107

Introduced by: Senator Wheeler

An Act to exempt trailer manufacturers and trailer dealers from certain provisions regarding motor vehicle dealer license requirements.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That § 32-6B-56.1 be AMENDED:

32-6B-56.1. The provisions of §§ 32-6B-8, 32-6B-9, 32-6B-45 to 32-6B-56 32-6B-61, inclusive, 32-6B-69, 32-6B-69.1, and 32-6B-71 to 32-6B-77, inclusive, do not apply to any trailer franchisee dealing in trailers with a weight of three thousand pounds or less manufacturer, as that term is defined by subdivision 32-6B-1(19), or trailer dealer, as defined by subdivision 32-6B-1(26), engaged in manufacturing, assembling, or selling trailers, respectively, that are not semitrailers, as defined by subdivision 32-6B-1(23), or travel trailers, as defined by subdivision 32-6B-1(27). This section may not be construed to exclude such a franchisee a trailer dealer from the licensing and other requirements contained in this chapter.

Underscores indicate new language.

Overstrikes indicate deleted language.