House Bill 1115
establish the crime of aggravated criminal entry of a motor vehicle with the intent to steal a firearm or firearm silencer, to make offenders ineligible for presumptive probation, and to provide a penalty therefor.
Representatives Fitzgerald (prime), Van Diepen, and Walburg and Senator Perry
01/28/2025First read in House and referred to House Judiciary H.J. 134 N/A
02/12/2025Scheduled for hearingN/A
02/21/2025Scheduled for hearing 12:12
02/21/2025 House Judiciary Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1115B 12:12
02/21/2025 House Judiciary Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 3. 12:12
02/25/2025 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 56, NAYS 14. H.J. 388 39:00
02/26/2025First read in Senate and referred to Senate Judiciary S.J. 394 N/A
03/04/2025Scheduled for hearing 38:26
03/04/2025 Senate Judiciary Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 0. 38:26

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
01/28/2025 IntroducedIntroduced
02/21/2025 House Judiciary EngrossedHouse Judiciary Engrossed

Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
No data available
Previous Amendments
Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
FitzgeraldAdopted1115B (PDF)  (HTML)1115B(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced
FitzgeraldN/A1115A (PDF)  (HTML)1115A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced