2025 Senate Bill 135 - SD Legislature exempt a motor vehicle insurer from a certain title fee.

25.746.12 100th Legislative Session 135

2025 South Dakota Legislature

Senate Bill 135

Introduced by: Senator Perry

An Act to exempt a motor vehicle insurer from a certain title fee.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That § 32-3-18.2 be AMENDED:

32-3-18.2. Any owner who chooses to title a motor vehicle, off-road vehicle, or snowmobile in South Dakota, but who does not have a South Dakota-issued driver license or identification card, or a physical address in South Dakota, shall pay a one-hundred-dollar fee in addition to the title application fee imposed by § 32-3-18. The additional fee does not apply to title correction transactions or, duplicate title transactions, or to an insurer taking title to a vehicle pursuant to the payment of a covered loss.

Half of the fee must be deposited into the state motor vehicle fund and half must be deposited into the county general fund.

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