House Bill 1124
repeal a requirement regarding possession of a registry card.
Date | Action | Audio | Location |
01/29/2025 | First read in House and referred to House Health and Human Services H.J. 144 | N/A | |
02/18/2025 | Scheduled for hearing | 1:08:45 | |
02/18/2025 | House Health and Human Services Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 9, NAYS 4. | 1:08:45 | |
02/19/2025 | House of Representatives Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 43, NAYS 27. H.J. 332 | 3:04:57 | |
02/20/2025 | First read in Senate and referred to Senate Health and Human Services S.J. 321 | N/A | |
02/26/2025 | Scheduled for hearing | 13::20 | |
02/26/2025 | Senate Health and Human Services Do Pass, Failed, YEAS 3, NAYS 4. | 13::20 | |
02/26/2025 | Senate Health and Human Services Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 4, NAYS 3. | 13::20 | |
02/27/2025 | Recalled from committee (Rule 7-7), Passed S.J. 406 | N/A | |
02/27/2025 | Senate Health and Human Services Report out of committee without recommendation, Passed | N/A | |
03/04/2025 | Placed on calendar pursuant to JR 6F-6, Failed, YEAS 17, NAYS 18. S.J. 434 | N/A |
Bill Text Versions
Date | HTML Format | PDF Format |
01/28/2025 | Introduced | Introduced |
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
No data available |
Previous Amendments
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
No data available |