Senate Bill 215
remove the prohibition against a landowner having an easement on the landowner's property.
Senators Deibert (prime) and Crabtree and Representative Roby (prime)
02/05/2025First Reading Senate S.J. 178 N/A
02/07/2025Referred to Senate Judiciary S.J. 209 N/A
02/12/2025Scheduled for hearing 36:09
02/12/2025 Senate Judiciary Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 215B 36:09
02/12/2025 Senate Judiciary Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0. 36:09
02/12/2025 Certified uncontested, placed on consent 36:09
02/19/2025 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 34, NAYS 0. S.J. 297 N/A
02/20/2025First read in House and referred to House Judiciary H.J. 344 N/A
03/05/2025Scheduled for hearing 2:13
03/05/2025 House Judiciary Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 12, NAYS 0. 2:13
03/05/2025 Certified uncontested, placed on consent 2:13
03/06/2025 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 69, NAYS 0. H.J. 478 N/A
03/10/2025Signed by the President S.J. 502 N/A
03/11/2025Signed by the Speaker H.J. 524 N/A
03/12/2025 Delivered to the Governor on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 S.J. 517 N/A
03/31/2025 Signed by the Governor on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 N/A

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
02/05/2025 IntroducedIntroduced
02/13/2025 Senate Judiciary EngrossedSenate Judiciary Engrossed
03/10/2025 EnrolledEnrolled

Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
No data available
Previous Amendments
Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
DeibertAdopted215B (PDF)  (HTML)215B(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced