SB 27 revise disciplinary action remedies of the Cosmetology Commission.
State of South Dakota  

400T0172   SENATE BILL   NO.  27  

Introduced by:    The Committee on Commerce and Energy at the request of the South Dakota Cosmetology Commission

        FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise disciplinary action remedies of the Cosmetology Commission.
    Section 1. That § 36-15-55.2 be amended to read as follows:
    36-15-55.2. The commission may, in compliance with chapter 1-26, either refuse to issue, revoke, or suspend a license which is required by this chapter on any of the grounds for disciplinary action provided in this chapter. If the commission determines that a person or business entity is in violation of this chapter, the commission may take the following actions:
            (1)    Deny an application;
            (2)    Suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a license;
            (3)    Place on probation, condition, or limit a licensee's practice;
            (4)    Censure or reprimand a person or business entity;
            (5)    Impose an administrative fine not to exceed two thousand dollars per offense for an individual licensee and not to exceed five thousand dollars per offense for a salon licensee;
            (6)    Refuse to permit a person to sit for examination or refuse to release a person's examination scores;
            (7)    Require a person to sit for a reexamination;
            (8)    Pursue legal actions against a person or business entity that is not licensed to offer or render practices covered by this chapter; and
            (9)    Impose a fee to reimburse the commission for all or any portion of attorney's fees and any other costs incurred by the commission in pursuing any disciplinary action or proceeding authorized by this chapter.
    Section 2. That chapter 36-15 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:
    Any proceeding for the revocation or suspension of a license shall be conducted pursuant to chapter 1-26 and any rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter.
    Section 3. That § 36-15-56 be amended to read as follows:
    36-15-56. The grounds for disciplinary action are:
            (1)    Fraud or deception in procuring a license required by this chapter;
            (2)    Failure of any person to comply with any of the requirements of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
            (3)    Publication or use of any untruthful or improper statement or representation, with a view of deceiving the public, or any patron or customer in connection with the practice or education in cosmetology;
            (4)    Habitual drunkenness or drug addiction affecting the licensee's practice of the profession, or conviction of a violation of any federal or state law relating to narcotic drugs;
            (5)    Failure to furnish to the commission, any report or information which is required by

this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;

            (6)    The employment of any unlicensed person to perform work which under this chapter can lawfully be done only by licensed persons;
            (7)    Failure to publicly display any license required by this chapter;
            (8)    Willfully making any false oath or affirmation whenever any oath or affirmation is required in this chapter or by rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
            (9)    Conviction of a felony affecting the licensee's practice of the profession, as shown by a certified copy of the record of the court of conviction;
            (10)    Continued practice by persons knowingly having an infectious or contagious disease; and
            (11)    Practice of any cosmetology services for which the commission requires additional continuing education when the education has not been completed;
            (12)    Attempting to or successfully applying for, renewing, or otherwise obtaining any other licensee's license without proper authorization; and
            (13)    Failure of any person to remit to the commission any fees, administrative fines, or any other moneys legally owed to the commission.