Introduced by: Senator Rampelberg and Representative Verchio
A LEGISLATIVE COMMEMORATION, Honoring Cheryl Wait of the city of Hot Springs as 2011
Municipal Finance Officer of the Year.
WHEREAS, for more than thirty-five years, Cheryl Wait has been essential in helping the city
of Hot Springs operate efficiently and honestly throughout; and
WHEREAS, Cheryl Wait daily shows her concern for her city, its citizens, and its employees;
WHEREAS, Cheryl Wait has delivered helpful, knowledgeable assistance to citizens and elected
officials alike; and
WHEREAS, Cheryl Wait has worked with eight mayors and countless city council members and
has enjoyed the mix of personalities that each brought to city council chambers; and
WHEREAS, Cheryl Wait is a friend and mentor to municipal finance officers throughout the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT COMMEMORATED, by the Eighty-seventh Legislature of the
State of South Dakota, that Cheryl Wait is honored as 2011 Municipal Finance Officer of the Year.
750 copies of this document were printed by the South Dakota Legislative Research Council at a cost of $.015 per page. |
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