Introduced by: Representatives Nelson (Stace) and Kloucek and Senator Putnam
A LEGISLATIVE COMMEMORATION, Honoring and commending Jerald "Jerry" Jon Smith for
his selfless commitment as a volunteer coach with the Alexandria American Legion Boys
Baseball program.
WHEREAS, coach Jerry Smith was instrumental in bringing the Alexandria American Legion
Baseball program back to life in 2005 and making it a successful thriving community program for
young men in the Hanson County community area; and
WHEREAS, in the past six years, coach Jerry Smith has led his teams to three state
championship berths, accumulating a career record of 111 wins and 43 losses, with an American
Legion Boys Baseball State Championship in 2010; and
WHEREAS, coach Jerry Smith dedicated hundreds of hours mentoring young men from the
Hanson County area communities, leading them by example of sportsmanship, dedicated work ethic,
perseverance in the face of adversity, and patriotism; and
WHEREAS, coach Jerry Smith's leadership and selfless dedication is the hallmark of a great
community leader and the type of civic dedication that has made Hanson county one of the best
places to live and raise children in America:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT COMMEMORATED, by the Eighty-seventh Legislature of the
State of South Dakota, that Jerald "Jerry" Jon Smith is honored and commended for his leadership
in his community and his dedication to youth baseball in South Dakota.
750 copies of this document were printed by the South Dakota Legislative Research Council at a cost of $.015 per page. |
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