House Bill 1001
repeal the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact.
Representatives Wink (prime), Bolin, Gosch, Haggar, Hawley, Hunt, and Johns and Senators Brown (prime), Cammack, Heineman (Phyllis), Omdahl, and White at the request of the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council
01/12/2016First Reading House H.J. 14 0:00:00.0
01/13/2016Referred to House State Affairs H.J. 35 0:00:00.0
01/20/2016Scheduled for hearing 1:39
01/20/2016 House State Affairs Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 10, NAYS 2. 1:39
01/21/2016 House of Representatives Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 49, NAYS 15. H.J. 138 20:50
01/22/2016First read in Senate and referred to Senate Education S.J. 117 N/A
02/04/2016Scheduled for hearing 1:57
02/04/2016 Senate Education Tabled, Passed, YEAS 4, NAYS 1. 1:57

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
12/24/2015 IntroducedIntroduced

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