Senate Bill 159
provide a tax credit to insurance companies that contribute to an organization providing educational scholarships to certain students.
Fiscal Notes:
02/04/2016First read in Senate and referred to Senate Education S.J. 215 N/A
02/09/2016Scheduled for hearing 2:45
02/09/2016 Senate Education Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 159gd 2:45
02/09/2016 Senate Education Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 1. 2:45
02/11/2016 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 295 N/A
02/16/2016 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 306 N/A
02/17/2016 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 321 N/A
02/18/2016 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 337 N/A
02/19/2016 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 371 N/A
02/22/2016 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 405 N/A
02/23/2016 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 421 N/A
02/24/2016 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 24, NAYS 11. S.J. 430 16:00
02/25/2016First read in House and referred to House Committee on Appropriations H.J. 700 N/A
03/02/2016Scheduled for hearing 2:51
03/07/2016Scheduled for hearing 1:20
03/07/2016 House Committee on Appropriations Tabled, Passed, YEAS 5, NAYS 4. 1:20
03/07/2016 Recalled from committee (Rule 7-7), Passed H.J. 788 1:20
03/07/2016 House Committee on Appropriations Removed from table, Passed 1:20
03/07/2016 House Committee on Appropriations Do Not Pass, Passed, YEAS 5, NAYS 4. 1:20
03/08/2016 Placed on calendar pursuant to JR 6F-6, Passed, YEAS 45, NAYS 22. H.J. 813 8:23
03/08/2016 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 45, NAYS 23. H.J. 815 8:23
03/09/2016Signed by the President S.J. 591 N/A
03/10/2016Signed by the Speaker H.J. 861 N/A
03/10/2016 Delivered to the Governor on Thursday, March 10, 2016 S.J. 603 N/A
03/29/2016 Signed by the Governor on Friday, March 25, 2016 S.J. 619 N/A

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
02/04/2016 IntroducedIntroduced
02/09/2016 Senate Education EngrossedSenate Education Engrossed
03/08/2016 EnrolledEnrolled

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Previous Amendments
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