House Bill 1202
provide access to abandoned cemeteries and private burying grounds
02/03/2016First read in House and referred to House State Affairs H.J. 258 N/A
02/08/2016Scheduled for hearing 24:23
02/08/2016 House State Affairs Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 9, NAYS 4. 24:23
02/09/2016 House of Representatives Deferred to another day, Passed H.J. 350 N/A
02/10/2016 House of Representatives Deferred to another day, Passed H.J. 367 1:02:22
02/16/2016 House of Representatives Tabled, Passed, YEAS 66, NAYS 2. H.J. 397 46:15

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
02/03/2016 IntroducedIntroduced

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