SB 16 increase fees for nursery inspection and to declare an emergency.
State of South Dakota  

400X0247   SENATE BILL   NO.  16  

Introduced by:    The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Department of Agriculture

        FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to increase fees for nursery inspection and to declare an emergency.
    Section 1. That § 38-24B-7 be amended to read:
    38-24B-7. The Department of Agriculture department may issue a certificate of inspection to any nurseryman, operating as a resident nurseryman or dealer, whose nursery stock has been officially inspected and found to be viable and free from pests. The biennial annual fee for the inspection and certification is as follows:
            (1)    Resident nurseryman: three hundred fifty dollars plus ten three hundred fifteen dollars plus five dollars for each acre over one acre of field-grown inspected plants and ten dollars for each ten thousand square feet of container-grown plants, except. However, the fee for a resident nurseryman with less than five thousand dollars in gross sales on nursery stock is seventy-five seventy dollars plus ten five dollars for each acre over one acre of field-grown inspected plants and ten dollars for each ten thousand square feet of container-grown plants;
            (2)    Nursery stock dealer with less than five thousand dollars annual gross sales of nursery stock: one hundred twenty-five one hundred fifteen dollars;
            (3)    Nursery stock dealer with more than five thousand but less than twenty thousand dollars annual gross sales of nursery stock: two hundred one hundred eighty dollars; or
            (4)    Nursery stock dealer with more than twenty thousand dollars annual gross sales of nursery stock: three hundred fifty three hundred fifteen dollars .
    Section 2. That § 38-24B-12 be amended to read:
    38-24B-12. Any grower or dealer of decorative plants, annual plants, sod, or related plant products may apply to the department for a certificate of inspection. The Department of Agriculture department may issue a certificate of inspection to the person whose decorative plants, annual plants, sod, or related plant products have been officially inspected and found free from pests. The fee for inspection and certification is two hundred fifty two hundred twenty-five dollars plus five dollars for each acre of growing field and five dollars for each ten thousand square feet of growing greenhouse.
    Section 3. Whereas, this Act is necessary for the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.