Section 1. That § 3-12-52 be amended to read:
3-12-52. The board shall meet at least twice each year, and shall adopt its own rules of procedure. A majority of trustees constitutes a quorum. At the first meeting of each fiscal year the board shall elect from the board's membership a chair and a vice chair. At least eight concurrent votes and a majority of the members present are required for a decision by the board for any of its meetings.
Section 2. That § 3-12-55 be amended to read:
3-12-55. The board shall appoint an executive director, qualified by training and experience, to serve at the pleasure of the board. The annual salary of the executive director may be adjusted annually by the same rate appropriated as the across-the-board increase to base salaries of state employees under the General Appropriations Act in each corresponding year.
Section 3. That § 3-12-56 be amended to read:
3-12-56. Applications for membership for new or additional benefits, credited service, or benefit payments which may be granted by the board shall be made to the executive director on forms
approved by the board.
Section 4. That § 3-12-57.1 be amended to read:
3-12-57.1. Any person aggrieved by a determination made by the system's staff may request
review of the determination and a decision by the executive director. The person, if then aggrieved
by the executive director's decision, may appeal the decision, if the person files a written notice of
appeal with the executive director within thirty days of the date of the decision. The notice shall
identify the person appealing and the decision appealed. The appeal shall be conducted by a hearing
examiner in accordance with chapter 1-26. The hearing examiner, after hearing the evidence in the
matter, shall make proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, and a proposed decision. The
executive director shall accept, reject, or modify those findings, conclusions, and decision. The
executive director may arrange for the assistance of private counsel throughout the executive
director's review of the proposal. The executive director's action constitutes the final agency
decision. The final agency decision may be appealed to circuit court pursuant to chapter 1-26.
Section 5. That § 3-12-61 be amended to read:
3-12-61. The South Dakota Retirement System expense fund is continued and the board is
authorized to transfer from the South Dakota Retirement System fund an annual amount not to
exceed three percent of the annual contributions received by the system, and the money transferred
is appropriated for the payment of the administrative costs of the system. The board shall report its
proposed annual budget to the Legislature for approval. Expenditures from all funds shall be
disbursed on warrants drawn by the state auditor and shall be supported by vouchers approved by
the executive director of the system.
Section 6. That § 3-12-62.1 be amended to read:
3-12-62.1. All personnel hired after June 30, 1980, by the divisions of the Department of Labor
and Regulation shall be members of the system. Any individual employed before July 1, 1980, may
elect to become a member of the system, if that election is made before July 1, 1981. Benefits
accrued to a member prior to the date of such election shall be continued and may not be considered
as other public benefits for the purposes of calculating or offsetting any benefit resulting from
participation in the system. Credited service earned under the retirement system provided by chapter
61-2 may not be counted for the purpose of calculation of benefits under chapter 3-12. For any
individual who elects to be a member of the system pursuant to this section, credited service earned
under the retirement system provided by chapter 61-2 shall be counted for the purpose of vesting and
eligibility for any family or disability benefits pursuant to this chapter, if contributions made to the
system provided under chapter 61-2 are not withdrawn.
Section 7. That § 3-12-63 be amended to read:
3-12-63. Membership in the system shall exclude the following:
Section 8. That § 3-12-67.1 be amended to read:
3-12-67.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 3-12-67, any employee of the municipality of Sioux Falls who begins working after June 30, 2013, as a permanent full-time employee shall be a member of the system if the municipality of Sioux Falls elects to be a participating unit by a duly passed resolution of its governing body.
Section 9. That § 3-12-69 be amended to read:
3-12-69. Employees of an eligible political subdivision or public corporation not participating in the systems consolidated into the system created by this chapter, may become a participating unit in the system if the unit commits to deposit an amount equal to the present value of the benefits earned to date, based on the employee's prior service to the unit to be covered by the system. The expense of the actuarial determination of this amount shall be borne by the applicant. All eligible employees of an applicant shall participate in the system upon admission. If the unit is unable to deposit this amount in a single sum, the unit shall have the option to pay the amount by periodic level installments over a period up to twenty years, the value of which, when discounted for compound interest at the assumed rate of return, is equal to the amount due at the date of participation.
Section 10. That § 3-12-72 be amended to read:
3-12-72. All employee and employer contributions to the system and the necessary supporting data shall be transmitted by the employer at least monthly to the system. Each monthly transmission for each respective calendar month shall be completed by the fifteenth day of the following month. All supporting data shall be transmitted electronically in a format determined by system personnel. All contributions shall be deposited with the state treasurer in the fund established to administer this chapter. If any participating unit fails to deliver contributions with respect to compensation paid in any month and the necessary supporting data by the fifteenth day of the following month, the participating unit shall pay to the system a penalty equal to five percent of the delinquent
contributions. The delinquent contributions and the penalty shall bear interest at the assumed rate
of return from the date due until the date paid. In calculating accumulated contributions, all
contributions with respect to compensation paid in any fiscal year shall be included in the calculation
of interest credited for that fiscal year.
Section 11. That § 3-12-72.4 be amended to read:
3-12-72.4. If a participating unit determines that a governmental function is to be privatized, the
participating unit shall pass a resolution to that effect determining the date that its employees will
cease to be public employees eligible for membership in the system. The participating unit shall
notify the system and the employees affected of the resolution and, after the effective date, cease to
make contributions to the South Dakota Retirement System as required in §§ 3-12-71 and 3-12-72.
Any member affected by privatization is entitled to the benefits accrued as of the effective date under
the provisions of chapter 3-12. For the purposes of determining eligibility for vesting and early
retirement pursuant to § 3-12-106, years of service with the successor employer shall be considered.
Section 12. That § 3-12-74 be amended to read:
3-12-74. If any participating unit becomes delinquent thirty or more days by failure or refusal to
pay any amounts due to the system, the state treasurer shall, upon certification by the executive
director of the delinquency, withhold and deduct the amount of the delinquency, penalty, and interest
as specified in § 3-12-72 from the next succeeding payment or payments of any money in the hands
of the state treasurer due and payable to the participating unit.
Section 13. That § 3-12-77.3 be amended to read:
3-12-77.3. Any rights which have terminated pursuant to the provisions of § 3-12-77 or 3-12-77.1 may be reinstated upon presentation to the executive director of a request for reinstatement of
those rights and competent evidence of the rights.
Section 14. That § 3-12-81.1 be amended to read:
3-12-81.1. If a retired member becomes reemployed as a permanent full-time employee by a participating unit, the member first shall have terminated the member's employment relationship with the initial participating unit as the term, terminated, is defined in this chapter and as required pursuant to Revenue Ruling 57-115 by the Internal Revenue Service. The initial participating unit's system representative shall certify to the system that the termination of the employment relationship took place. In addition, any second participating unit shall subject the member to all proceedings and requirements associated with the hiring and employment of any new employee by the second participating unit, and that unit's system representative shall so certify to the system. If a single participating unit is both the member's initial participating unit and the member's second participating unit, the unit shall follow all termination procedures and all hiring procedures relative to the member as outlined by this section, and its chief executive officer, the officer's agent, or the chair of the unit's governing commission or board shall so certify.
Section 15. That § 3-12-82 be amended to read:
3-12-82. If less than three years of contributory service or noncontributory service is acquired after a retired member's reentry into covered employment, the member upon subsequent retirement shall receive a refund of the member's accumulated contributions.
or magistrate judge and subsequently reentered covered employment as a Class A member.
Section 16. That § 3-12-86.1 be amended to read:
3-12-86.1. If a member on leave of absence performing initial qualified military service dies, the member shall be considered to have returned from the leave of absence on the day before the member's death and become a contributing member for purposes of survivor benefits pursuant to § 3-12-95.5, if the member has at least one year of credited service prior to the member's death, including the initial period of qualified military service. If the member was contributing for additional survivor protection benefits pursuant to § 3-12-104 immediately before the leave of absence, the member shall be considered to have resumed the contributions on the day before the member's death.
Section 17. That chapter 3-12 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
annual additions under § 415(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. This provision shall be applied to all
similarly situated members in a reasonably equivalent manner.
Section 18. That § 3-12-87 be amended to read:
3-12-87. Payment of a deposit with the system for credited service pursuant to §§ 3-12-83 to 3-12-86, inclusive, shall be determined and due at the time the notice of intention to make the payment
is received by the system. The amount due may be paid by periodic, level installments over a period
of up to ten years, the value of which, when discounted for interest at the assumed rate of return, is
equal to the amount due at the date of the notice. If a member dies before completion of the
installment payments, the surviving spouse may complete the payments due the system, but, unless
the payments are being made by a participating unit, the amount shall be paid in full within ninety
days of the member's death or retirement. If the periodic payments are not completed or paid when
due, the executive director may make an appropriate adjustment to the credited service, benefits
payable under this chapter, or schedule of payments to allow for the default. Any member
participating in installment payments pursuant to this section before July 1, 1989, shall have the
balance due on July 1, 1989, recalculated pursuant to §§ 3-12-83 and 3-12-84 and shall have the
installment payments due after June 30, 1989, recalculated accordingly. The provisions of this
section apply only to installment payment purchases of credited service that are not tax-deferred, and
do not apply to tax-deferred purchases pursuant to § 3-12-83.2.
Section 19. That § 3-12-95.2 be amended to read:
3-12-95.2. The conservator and custodian provisions of subdivision 3-12-95(2) and § 3-12-95.1
notwithstanding, the benefit becomes payable directly to a child when the child reaches eighteen
years of age. The benefit shall be eliminated when the child becomes ineligible.
Section 20. That § 3-12-95.3 be amended to read:
3-12-95.3. The portion of a family benefit that is payable on account of children pursuant to
subdivision 3-12-95(1) shall be eliminated as each child becomes ineligible. The benefit shall be
eliminated altogether when the youngest child becomes ineligible.
Section 21. That § 3-12-98 be amended to read:
3-12-98. A contributing member who becomes disabled and who has acquired at least three years
of contributory service or noncontributory service since the member's most recent entry into active
status and prior to becoming disabled or was disabled by accidental means while performing usual
duties for an employer, is eligible for a disability benefit if the disability is expected to be of long,
continued, and indefinite duration of at least one year. In order to be eligible for a disability benefit,
a member must be disabled on the date the member's contributory service ends. Any member who
fails to file an application for disability benefits with the executive director within three years after
the date the member's contributory service ends, forfeits all rights to disability benefits. Any
information required for a complete application must be received within one year after the
application for disability benefits was received. If the required information is not received by the
system within one year after the application is received, the member may reapply. For purposes of
this section, a transfer within a participating unit, or a change in employment from one participating
unit to another participating unit if there is no break in contributory service, does not constitute a new
entry into active status. The provisions of this section apply to any member whose application for
disability benefits is received by the system before July 1, 2015.
Section 22. That § 3-12-99.1 be amended to read:
3-12-99.1. That portion of a disability benefit that is payable on account of children shall be
eliminated as each child becomes ineligible. However, the portion of a disability benefit that is
payable on account of children shall increase if a disabled member gains an additional child who is
eligible. All other provisions in § 3-12-101 do not apply to members receiving a disability benefit
pursuant to this chapter. The provisions of this section apply to any member whose application for
disability benefits is received by the system before July 1, 2015.
Section 23. That § 3-12-114 be amended to read:
3-12-114. If any change or error in the records of the system or any participating unit results in
any person receiving from the system less than the person would have been entitled to receive had
the records been correct, the executive director shall correct the error and, as far as practicable, shall
adjust the payment to provide the person the amount to which the person is correctly entitled.
Section 24. That § 3-12-116 be amended to read:
3-12-116. If a designated beneficiary does not survive the member, any lump-sum payment that may be due shall be payable to the member's surviving spouse. If there is no surviving spouse, the payment shall be payable to all of the member's surviving children, irrespective of age, on a share-alike basis. If there is no surviving spouse and no surviving children, the payment shall be payable to the estate of the deceased member. If no claim for payment due upon the death of a deceased member is made within three years from date of death, the payment shall revert to the system. However, a claim may be honored after the expiration of the three-year reversion period if, in the opinion of the executive director, payment of the claim is warranted by exceptional circumstances.
Section 25. That § 3-12-118 be amended to read:
3-12-118. The board shall retain the services of an independent contractor, not involved in the investment process, to make a report to the board not less than every four years on the investment performance results of the assets of the retirement funds.
Section 26. That § 3-12-122 be amended to read:
3-12-122. The board shall review the funding of the system and shall make a report to the Governor and the Retirement Laws Committee if any of the following conditions exist as of the latest annual actuarial valuation of the system:
Section 27. That § 3-12-127 be amended to read:
3-12-127. Notwithstanding the repeal on July 1, 1974, of chapters 3-12; 3-13; 9-15; 13-45; certain provisions of chapter 16-8; chapter 16-11A; and certain provisions of chapter 33-13, all members of systems established thereunder shall be entitled to retire at the age, with the length of service and the benefits available to them under those provisions or the provisions of this chapter. For the purposes of this section, the executive director shall retain as part of the permanent files all volumes of the South Dakota Codified Laws.
Section 28. That § 3-12-130 be amended to read:
3-12-130. A current contributing Class B member other than a justice, judge, or magistrate judge, may convert credited service as a county sheriff or deputy county sheriff before January 1, 1980, or credited service as a county sheriff or deputy county sheriff while not certified from January 1, 1980, to June 30, 1988, inclusive; credited service as a police officer while not certified from July 1, 1983, to June 30, 1988, inclusive; credited service as a penitentiary correctional staff member before July 1, 1978; credited service as a conservation officer before July 1, 1983; credited service as a parole agent before July 1, 1991; and credited service as an air rescue firefighter before July 1, 1992, from credited service as a Class A member with benefits provided in accordance with § 3-12-91 to credited service as a Class B member other than a justice, judge, or magistrate judge, with benefits provided in accordance with § 3-12-92, by election to make, or have made on the member's behalf, contributions based on the higher of the member's current compensation, or the member's final average compensation calculated as if the member retired on the date of election, at an actuarially-determined percentage times each year of service for which the member wishes to receive Class B credit. The provisions of this section also apply to a current contributing Class B member, other than a justice, judge, or magistrate judge, who previously has purchased equivalent public service pursuant to the provisions of § 3-12-84.
Section 29. That § 3-12-143 be amended to read:
3-12-143. For the first thirty-six months of a disability benefit provided by § 3-12-99, the maximum amount that a member may receive in any calendar year from the disability benefit and earned income, as defined in § 32(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, is one hundred percent of the member's final average compensation. Starting with the thirty-seventh month of the disability benefit, the maximum amount that a member may receive in any calendar year from disability benefits provided by the federal Social Security Act equal to the primary insurance amount, the disability benefit provided by this chapter and earned income, as defined in § 32(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, is one hundred percent of the member's final average compensation. The maximum
amount shall be indexed for each full fiscal year during which the member is eligible for such
disability benefit by the improvement factor. Any amount exceeding this maximum amount shall
reduce each monthly disability benefit payable pursuant to § 3-12-99 in the following fiscal year on
a pro rata basis.
Section 30. That § 3-12-190 be amended to read:
3-12-190. On an annual basis, at minimum, the board shall establish an interest rate assumption upon which the provisions of subsequent supplemental pension contracts shall be based. The board shall establish the assumption on the basis of the recommendations of the system's actuary and the state investment officer. The interest rate assumption may not be greater than the actuarial assumed rate of return for the fund, nor may the interest rate assumption be less than the effective rate of interest. Any other provision of law notwithstanding, the board may suspend issuance of new supplemental pension contracts at any time. Any suspension of new supplemental pension contracts shall be prospective in operation and may not affect supplemental pension contracts already in effect.
Section 31. That § 3-12-193 be amended to read:
3-12-193. A supplemental pension participant shall receive an annual increase in the amount of the participant's supplemental pension benefit for each year commencing on the July first following the date on which the benefit was first payable, and equal to the improvement factor applicable to the participant. If a supplemental pension contract goes into effect before July 1, 2010, and if the first annual increase is for a period of less than twelve months, the initial increase shall be prorated. If a supplemental pension contract goes into effect after June 30, 2010, there shall be no initial prorated annual increase for a period of less than twelve months.
Section 32. That § 3-12-194 be amended to read:
3-12-194. If payment of monthly supplemental pension benefits ceases due to the death of the participant or the death of a supplemental pension spouse, and the total of monthly supplemental pension benefits paid is less than the amount of the participant's single premium, the difference between the total benefits paid and the single premium shall be disbursed in a lump sum as provided in this section. Amounts payable under this section shall be disbursed as follows:
Section 33. That § 3-12-195 be amended to read:
3-12-195. Supplemental pension contract purchases and supplemental pension benefit payments administered pursuant to the provisions of §§ 3-12-189 to 3-12-198, inclusive, are considered to be qualified plan distributed annuity contracts under Internal Revenue Service Treasury Regulation 1.402(c)-2.
Section 34. That § 3-12-199 be amended to read:
3-12-199. If, after March 31, 2010, a retired member reenters covered employment within the three consecutive calendar months that start with the member's effective date of retirement, the member's retirement is deemed invalid. If the member received one or more retirement benefit payments during the invalid retirement, the member shall repay the payments as a lump sum immediately, repay the payments by contractual payments over a period of up to three years, which payments shall include interest at the assumed rate of return, or repay the payments by an actuarial equivalent reduction in eventual monthly benefits.
Section 35. That § 3-12-200 be amended to read:
3-12-200. If, after March 31, 2010, a retired member reenters covered employment at some time after the three consecutive calendar months that start with the member's effective date of retirement, the member's retirement benefits and continued membership shall be administered pursuant to this section.
monthly retirement benefit shall be reduced by fifteen percent and the annual increase shall be
eliminated throughout the period that the member reenters covered employment in accord with § 3-12-88. The reduction and elimination shall cease if the member again terminates covered
employment. However, the reduction and elimination do not apply if the member retired as a Class
B member other than a justice, judge, or magistrate judge and subsequently reenters covered
employment as a Class A member.
Section 36. That § 3-12-201 be amended to read:
3-12-201. A contributing member who becomes disabled and who has acquired at least three years of contributory service or noncontributory service since the member's most recent entry into active status and before becoming disabled, or was disabled by accidental means while performing usual duties for an employer, is eligible for disability benefits if the disability is expected to be of
long, continued, and indefinite duration of at least one year and the member is disabled on the date
the member's contributory service ends. For purposes of this section, a transfer within a participating
unit, or a change in employment from one participating unit to another participating unit if there is
no break in contributory service, does not constitute a new entry into active status. The provisions
of this section apply to any member whose application for disability benefits is received by the
system after June 30, 2015.
Section 37. That § 3-12-202 be amended to read:
3-12-202. Any member seeking disability benefits pursuant to § 3-12-201 shall submit an
application to the executive director. Any information required for a complete application must be
received within one year after the application for disability benefits was received. If the required
information is not received by the system within one year after the application is received, the
member may reapply.
Section 38. That § 3-12-205 be amended to read:
3-12-205. Upon receipt of an application for disability benefits after June 30, 2015, along with statements from a health care provider and the member's employer, the executive director shall determine whether the member is eligible for disability benefits. The executive director may request the advice of the disability advisory committee with respect to any application. The recommendation of the disability advisory committee is not binding on the executive director. The disability advisory committee or the executive director may require an independent medical examination of the member to be conducted by a disinterested health care provider selected by the disability advisory committee or the executive director to evaluate the member's condition. The disability advisory committee or
the executive director may require a functional capacity assessment of the member to be conducted
by a licensed professional qualified to administer such an assessment. The assessment may be used
to evaluate the member's qualification for benefits. Refusal to undergo an examination or assessment
pursuant to this section is cause for denying the application.
Section 39. That § 3-12-206 be amended to read:
3-12-206. If the executive director determines that the member whose application was received pursuant to § 3-12-205, meets the qualifications to receive disability benefits, a notice of the executive director's determination shall be sent by certified mail to the member's last known address. A member whose application for disability benefits is approved shall receive the benefits beginning with the month following the date on which the member's contributory service terminates. If any member fails to terminate contributory service within one year after receiving notice that the member's application has been approved, the member's application approval expires.
Section 40. That § 3-12-210 be amended to read:
3-12-210. A member's disability benefits pursuant to § 3-12-207 terminate if the member is no longer disabled, as certified by a health care provider. Upon receipt of certification the executive director shall determine whether the member meets the qualifications for disability benefits. In making this determination the executive director shall follow the same procedure used in making the initial determination of disability provided in § 3-12-205. A member's disability benefits shall be suspended and subject to termination if the member refuses to undergo an examination or assessment requested by the disability advisory committee or the executive director. If the executive director finds that the member no longer meets the qualifications for disability benefits, the executive director
shall notify the member of this finding by certified mail and the payment of disability benefits shall
terminate thirty days after receipt of the notice. The finding by the executive director is subject to
appeal and review as a contested case.
Section 41. That § 3-12-214 be amended to read:
3-12-214. Upon the death of a member receiving disability benefits pursuant to § 3-12-207, who
dies prior to normal retirement age, a family benefit shall be paid on behalf of any child of the
member. The monthly amount of the family benefit is the amount of the monthly disability benefits
the member received before death. The monthly family benefit shall be equally apportioned among
any children of the member and shall be paid on behalf of any child to the conservator or custodian
of the child, as applicable. However, if the child is eighteen years of age the benefit is payable
directly to the child. As a child becomes ineligible, the family benefit shall be reallocated among any
remaining eligible children of the deceased member. The family benefit terminates if there are no
eligible children of the deceased member.
Section 42. That § 3-12-47.3 be repealed.
Section 43. That § 3-12-77.2 be repealed.
Section 44. That § 3-12-120.1 be repealed.
Section 45. That § 3-12-120.2 be repealed.
Section 46. That § 3-12-120.3 be repealed.
Section 47. That § 3-12-139 be repealed.
Section 48. That § 3-12-140 be repealed.
Section 49. That § 3-13-50 be amended to read:
3-13-50. The executive director shall administer the plan. The executive director may hire
additional employees as may be required and shall set the remuneration of the employees.
Section 50. That § 3-13-51.1 be amended to read:
3-13-51.1. A participant may invest in any investment selected by the state investment officer, including annuity contracts. The state investment officer may enter into contracts for investment alternatives. The executive director or third-party administrator may transfer funds to, from, and among the respective investment alternatives as directed by the participant or as required if the investment alternative is no longer available. The state investment officer shall be held to the standard of conduct of a fiduciary and shall carry out all functions solely in the interests of the participants and benefit recipients and for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits and defraying reasonable expenses incurred in performing the duties required by law.
Section 51. That § 3-13-51.2 be amended to read:
3-13-51.2. The executive director shall execute any agreements necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, except agreements as are executed by the state investment officer pursuant to § 3-13-51.1.
Section 52. That § 3-13-52 be amended to read:
3-13-52. Neither the plan nor any participating employer may have any liability to any participant for losses arising out of any decrease in the value of any investments held by the plan. The liability of the plan to any participant is limited to the value of the participant's account on the date the account is made available to the participant pursuant to the provisions of the plan. In no event may any member of the board, the executive director or any member of the executive director's staff have any liability for any action taken with respect to the plan unless such action be taken in bad faith.
Section 53. That § 3-13-53 be amended to read:
3-13-53. The South Dakota deferred compensation fund is hereby established. All compensation deferred pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in the fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be paid on warrants drawn by the state auditor on vouchers approved by the executive director. All administrative expenses shall be budgeted and expended pursuant to chapters 4-7, 4-8, 4-8A, and
4-8B. In accord with § 457(g) of the Internal Revenue Code, all money in the fund and all property
and rights held by the fund, at all times until made available to a participant or the participant's
beneficiary, shall be held in trust for the exclusive benefit of the participant. All compensation
deferred pursuant to this chapter shall be transferred not later than fifteen business days after the end
of the month in which the compensation otherwise would have been paid to the participant.
Section 54. That § 3-13A-2 be amended to read:
3-13A-2. The definitions contained in chapter 3-12 apply to this chapter unless otherwise
specified. In addition, the following terms used in this chapter mean:
other political subdivision of the state that participates in the program;
Section 55. That § 3-13A-3 be amended to read:
3-13A-3. The South Dakota special pay fund is hereby established. All compensation transmitted to the fund pursuant to §§ 3-13A-1 to 3-13A-25, inclusive, shall be deposited in the fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be paid on warrants drawn by the state auditor and supported by vouchers approved by the executive director. All administrative expenses shall be budgeted and expended pursuant to chapters 4-7, 4-8, 4-8A, and 4-8B. All money in the fund and all property and rights held by the fund shall be held in trust for the exclusive benefit of the participants at all times until made available to a participant or the participant's beneficiary. All benefits payable under this program shall be paid and provided for solely from the fund and a participating unit assumes no liability or responsibility therefor. Any trust under the program shall be established pursuant to a written agreement that constitutes a valid trust under the law of South Dakota.
Section 56. That § 3-13A-9 be amended to read:
3-13A-9. A plan participant may invest in any investment selected by the state investment officer,
including annuity contracts. The state investment officer may enter into contracts for investment
alternatives. The executive director or third-party administrator may transfer funds to, from, and
among the respective investment alternatives as directed by the participant or as required if the
investment alternative is no longer available.
Section 57. That § 3-13A-11 be amended to read:
3-13A-11. Each participant may elect to have the participant's funds invested in one or more of
the investment alternatives selected by the state investment officer pursuant to § 3-13A-9. Subject
to any limitations imposed by the executive director, a vendor, or a third-party administrator, a
participant may elect to transfer any portion of the account balance from one offered investment
alternative to another at any time, if notice is given to the executive director or the third-party
administrator. Any costs associated with such a transfer shall be borne by the participant and shall
be deducted from the participant's account. If, due to a payroll error, a participant's deferral is
deposited in an investment alternative other than the one selected by the participant, the executive
director or third-party administrator may correct the error by transferring the participant's deferral
to the proper investment alternative, subject to any limitations which may be imposed by the vendor.
No retroactive adjustment may be made.
Section 58. That § 3-13A-12 be amended to read:
3-13A-12. If a contract between the state investment officer and a vendor is terminated and a
participant fails to notify the executive director or third-party administrator of the participant's new
investment selection before the contract terminates, the executive director or third-party
administrator shall transfer that participant's account to the investment alternative designated by the
state investment officer.
Section 59. That § 3-13A-17 be amended to read:
3-13A-17. The executive director shall administer the program and shall determine all questions
arising under or in connection with the program. The executive director may hire additional
employees as may be required and shall set the remuneration of the employees. In addition, the
executive director, with the approval of the board, may contract with vendors for third-party
administration of various duties under the program as the executive director sees fit. The executive
director shall execute any agreements necessary to carry out the provisions of §§ 3-13A-1 to 3-13A-25, inclusive, except any agreements executed by the state investment officer pursuant to § 3-13A-9.
Section 60. That § 3-13A-22 be amended to read:
3-13A-22. A participant is entitled to receive a distribution from the participant's account upon
written application to the executive director or third-party administrator. The participant may elect,
on forms prescribed by the executive director or third-party administrator, the time distributions
under the program are to commence by designating the month and year during which the first
distribution is to be made. The participant may elect to receive the participant's distribution in any
of the following forms:
Section 61. That § 3-13A-25 be amended to read:
3-13A-25. Neither the program nor any participating unit is liable to any participant for losses arising out of any decrease in the value of any investments held under the program. The liability of the program to any participant is limited to the value of the participant's account on the date the
participant chooses to begin payment pursuant to the provisions of the program. In no event may any
member of the board, the executive director, or any member of the executive director's staff have any
liability for any action taken with respect to the program unless the action has been taken in bad
Section 62. That ARSD 62:01:01:01 be amended to read:
(1) "Disability advisory committee," a committee composed of the secretary of the Department of Human Services or a designee, a lawyer, and a physician, the latter two members both appointed by the executive director;
(2) "Represented group," a group entitled to elect one or more trustees pursuant to SDCL 3-12-48 and 3-12-49. The group to which a member belongs is determined from the records of the system;
(3).."Employment," for purposes of SDCL 3-12-103.1, includes engagement of services by an employer who is not a participating unit and self-employment;
(4).."Class B public safety member," an individual who is a Class B member other than a justice, judge, or magistrate judge.
Section 63. That ARSD 62:01:02:01 be amended to read:
Section 64. That ARSD 62:01:02:11 be amended to read:
person has withdrawn the person's accumulated contributions pursuant to SDCL 3-12-76 or SDCL
3-12-76.1; and the reentry is the person's initial return to active status after a termination or shift,
accompanied by a withdrawal. The redeposit may apply only to that withdrawal.
Section 65. That ARSD 62:01:03:02 be amended to read:
Section 66. That ARSD 62:01:03:02.01 be amended to read:
(1)..The member's termination was a complete severance of employment as outlined in SDCL 3-12-81.1;
(2)..All standard hiring and employment procedures of the employer unit were followed in the reemployment process; and
(3)..No prior agreement to reemploy the member, either overt or covert, existed between the member and the employer unit or any officer of the employer unit.
An employer unit's chief executive officer or the officer's agent or the chair of the employer's governing commission or board shall provide the certification on behalf of the employer unit. The system shall provide forms for the member's and the employer unit's certifications. An intentionally false certification provides grounds for legal recourse pursuant to SDCL 22-29-9.1.
Section 67. That ARSD 62:01:04:03 be amended to read:
Upon receipt of an application for a disability benefit, with supporting medical evidence, the
executive director shall determine whether the applicant is eligible for a disability benefit. The
executive director may request the advice of the disability advisory committee with respect to any
application. The recommendation of the disability advisory committee is not binding on the
executive director. The disability advisory committee or the executive director may require an
independent medical examination of an applicant to be conducted by a licensed, disinterested
physician selected by the disability advisory committee or the executive director to evaluate the
applicant's condition. The disability advisory committee or the executive director may require a
functional capacity assessment of the applicant to be conducted by a licensed professional qualified
to administer such assessments, and the assessment may be used to evaluate the applicant's
qualification for benefits. If the executive director determines that the member is not disabled, a
notice of the executive director's determination and the reasons for it shall be sent by certified mail
to the applicant's last known address.
Section 68. That ARSD 62:01:04:06 be amended to read:
payment of the disability benefit shall terminate pursuant to SDCL 3-12-103.1. A finding by the
executive director is subject to appeal and review as a contested case.
Section 69. That ARSD 62:01:05:03 be amended to read:
Section 70. That ARSD 62:01:05:03.01 be amended to read:
Section 71. That ARSD 62:01:05:06 be amended to read:
nominating petitions to represent a represented group.
Section 72. That ARSD 62:01:05:07 be amended to read:
Section 73. That ARSD 62:01:05:08 be amended to read:
Section 74. That ARSD 62:01:05:09 be amended to read:
Section 75. That ARSD 62:01:05:10 be amended to read:
Section 76. That ARSD 62:01:05:13 be amended to read:
§.62:01:05:12 is completed. However, the executive director shall notify all the candidates and the
members of the board of the tentative election results within three business days after the ballot
counting is completed. If no election is required, the board shall declare the nominee elected.
Section 77. That ARSD 62:01:05:14 be amended to read:
Section 78. That ARSD 62:01:05:15 be amended to read:
Section 79. That ARSD 62:01:06:05 be amended to read:
Section 80. That ARSD 62:01:06:06 be amended to read:
interested parties.
Section 81. That ARSD 62:01:06:07 be amended to read:
Section 82. That ARSD 62:01:07:01 be amended to read:
Section 83. That ARSD 62:01:07:03 be amended to read:
Section 84. That ARSD 62:01:07:05 be amended to read:
(1)..The executive director shall notify all members of the board of the vacancy;
(2)..If circumstances permit, the executive director shall ask the incumbent to recommend a replacement to serve in the incumbent's stead;
(3)..If the vacancy is for a trustee to serve on behalf of an employer represented group, the
executive director shall notify the governing body of each participating unit affected by the vacancy
of the vacancy and request the governing body's input in seeking a qualified candidate. The executive
director shall solicit résumés of qualified persons from governing bodies and interested persons. The
résumés shall be submitted to the executive director. If a state-wide association exists that is made
up of members of the employer represented group, the executive director shall notify the association
of the vacancy and request the association's input in seeking a qualified candidate. If the vacancy is
for a trustee to serve on behalf of an employee represented group, the executive director shall notify
all authorized agents for the group affected by the vacancy of the vacancy and request that all
employees affected by the vacancy be advised of the vacancy. Any interested member of the
represented group may submit his or her résumé to the executive director. If a state-wide association
exists that is made up of members of the employee represented group, the executive director shall
notify the association of the vacancy and request the association's input in seeking a qualified
(4)..The executive director shall provide to each board member a copy of each résumé received;
(5)..At its next regularly-scheduled meeting, the board, by secret ballot, shall select a replacement
trustee from among those persons who submitted résumés; and
(6)..The replacement trustee shall fill the vacancy on the board immediately and shall serve until
the regular term of the vacancy has been completed and the position is filled for a new term through
a normal election pursuant to SDCL 3-12-49 and chapter 62:01:05.
Section 85. That ARSD 62:01:07:07 be amended to read:
qualified domestic relations order shall be prospective from the date of the order. Any division of
benefits paid prior to the date of the order, service of the order upon the system, or qualification of
the order by the system, whichever is later, shall be the responsibility of the parties to the order.
However, the executive director may agree to adjust future payments to remedy an error in prior
payments if the error in prior payments involved the system.
Section 86. That ARSD 62:01:07:12 be amended to read:
repayment by an actuarial equivalent reduction in monthly benefits as outlined in this section. If
repayment is pursuant to an actuarial equivalent reduction by either the member's choice or the
member's failure to choose a repayment option, system staff shall inform the member that the
reduction is unlikely to result in repayment of the exact amount of the overpayment, plus interest if
appropriate, and the member is presumed to so understand.
Section 87. That ARSD 62:01:07:13 be amended to read:
(1)..Voluntary or involuntary discontinuance of contributions;
(2)..Required discontinuance pursuant to SDCL 3-12-104;
(3)..Termination of covered employment, even if the member returns to covered employment with the same employer or a different employer;
(4)..Leave of absence, except for military leave of absence; or
(5)..A break in service due to a series of two or more contracts for specified months of service.
Section 88. That subdivision (3) of ARSD 62:03:01:01 be amended to read:
Section 89. That ARSD 62:03:02:03 be amended to read:
signing a participation agreement. Participation becomes effective on the first day of the month
following the date on which the participation agreement is signed. If a new employee signs and files
a participation agreement on the employee's date of hire, that agreement may become effective
immediately. The plan may not accept any deferrals unless a signed participation agreement is on
file in the office of the executive director or the third-party administrator.
Section 90. That ARSD 62:03:02:04 be amended to read:
Section 91. That ARSD 62:03:05:06 be amended to read:
considered unforeseeable emergencies. Any amount that is distributed on account of an
unforeseeable emergency is not an eligible rollover distribution and the participant may not elect to
have any portion of the distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement plan.
Section 92. That ARSD 62:03:05:07 be amended to read:
(1)..The participant is inactive in the plan and has made no deferrals for at least two years prior to the distribution;
(2)..The total distribution _ whether elective or involuntary or both _ does not exceed $5,000; and
(3)..The participant previously has not received either an elective or an involuntary distribution under the plan.
shall notify the participant in writing that the distribution may be transferred to another individual retirement plan.
An Act to revise certain administrative provisions and repeal certain obsolete provisions concerning the South Dakota Retirement System.
I certify that the attached Act originated in the
SENATE as Bill No. 14
Secretary of the Senate ____________________________
President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate
Chief Clerk
Senate Bill No. 14 File No. ____ Chapter No. ______ |
Received at this Executive Office this _____ day of _____________ ,
20____ at ____________ M.
By _________________________
for the Governor
The attached Act is hereby
approved this ________ day of
______________ , A.D., 20___
Office of the Secretary of State
Filed ____________ , 20___
____________________________ Secretary of State
By _________________________ |