Section 1. That § 9-47-1 be amended to read:
9-47-1. Every municipality may construct, establish, operate, and maintain a system of waterworks and facilities in connection therewith; may regulate the distribution and use of water supplied thereby; may acquire a suitable supply of water, whether within or without the municipality; may maintain dams, reservoirs, intakes, spillways, conduits, or other devices to gather and store surface, flood, or other waters within or without the municipality either as a direct source of water to the municipality or as a supply of water from which any other source of the water supply of the municipality may be replenished or restored; may advantageously dispose of, to districts, subdivisions, and areas, outside the limits of the municipality to which supply lines may extend, any municipal supply of water, including stored water, not required or used for municipal purposes and any surplus water may be disposed of to any outside district where the water is delivered into a natural watercourse for irrigation purposes; may assess, levy, and collect taxes and special assessments for such purposes; and may appropriate funds and levy taxes to accumulate funds for such purposes, as provided by this title. The accumulated funds shall be placed in a separate fund which may not revert at the end of the fiscal year. The governing body shall establish a maximum amount allowed to be accumulated in the fund. The fund shall be established by a resolution adopted pursuant to chapter 9-19. Every municipality may enter into agreements with the United States, with the state, and with any authorized agency, subdivision, or unit of government, federal or state, to carry out such purposes.
Section 2. That § 9-21-14.1 be amended to read:
9-21-14.1. The governing body of a municipality may by resolution authorize the accumulation
of funds for a period longer than one year for specific capital outlay purposes otherwise authorized
by law. For the purpose of this section, capital outlay purposes means purposes which result in the
acquisition of or additions to plant, or equipment, including expenditures for land, existing facilities,
improvement of grounds, construction of facilities, additions to facilities, remodeling of facilities,
or for the purchase of equipment. The governing body shall establish a maximum amount allowed
to be accumulated in the fund.
Section 3. That § 9-48-2 be amended to read:
9-48-2. Each municipality may:
An Act to revise provisions for accumulation of funds for certain municipal enterprises.
I certify that the attached Act originated in the
HOUSE as Bill No. 1089
Chief Clerk ____________________________
Speaker of the House
Chief Clerk
Secretary of the Senate
House Bill No. 1089 File No. ____ Chapter No. ______ |
Received at this Executive Office this _____ day of _____________ ,
20____ at ____________ M.
By _________________________
for the Governor
The attached Act is hereby
approved this ________ day of
______________ , A.D., 20___
Office of the Secretary of State
Filed ____________ , 20___
____________________________ Secretary of State
By _________________________ |