Section 1. That § 9-43-86 be amended to read:
9-43-86. Twenty days after publication of the adopted resolution of necessity, unless the referendum is invoked or unless a written protest is filed with the finance officer signed by the owners of more than fifty-five percent of the frontage of the property to be assessed, the governing body may cause the local improvement to be made, may contract for the improvement, and may levy and collect special assessments as provided in this chapter. Upon a two-thirds vote of the governing body, a protest petition may be denied and the governing body may cause the local improvement to be made.
Section 2. That § 9-43-87 be amended to read:
9-43-87. At any time after the contract is signed, for any local improvement for which special assessments are to be levied, the governing body may make and file in the office of the finance officer an assessment roll showing:
Section 3. That § 9-48-15 be amended to read:
9-48-15. If either a main, trunk, or service sewer has been constructed and the cost has not been
apportioned against property that may benefit as provided by this chapter or chapter 9-43, the
governing body may require the owner of the property to pay the owner's proportionate share of the
cost of the construction, without interest, according to the benefits to accrue to the property before
the property may be platted, replatted, or served by the facilities, as determined by the governing
body. The governing body shall investigate and determine the amount to be paid. The amount shall
be apportioned by the governing body among the persons, including the municipality, paying the
appropriate cost.
Section 4. That § 9-4-6 be amended to read:
9-4-6. Upon a two-thirds vote of the governing body, or on petition in writing signed by not less
than three-fourths of the legal voters and by the owners of not less than three-fourths in value of the
property in any territory within any municipality being upon the border thereof, the governing body
may by resolution exclude the territory from the municipality. However, if all the land sought to be
excluded is more than one-half mile from any platted portion of the municipality, the petition must
be signed by the owner only.
Section 5. That chapter 9-47 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
An Act to revise certain municipal special assessment provisions and to provide for exclusion of territory from municipalities.
I certify that the attached Act originated in the
HOUSE as Bill No. 1108
Chief Clerk ____________________________
Speaker of the House
Chief Clerk
Secretary of the Senate
House Bill No. 1108 File No. ____ Chapter No. ______ |
Received at this Executive Office this _____ day of _____________ ,
20____ at ____________ M.
By _________________________
for the Governor
The attached Act is hereby
approved this ________ day of
______________ , A.D., 20___
Office of the Secretary of State
Filed ____________ , 20___
____________________________ Secretary of State
By _________________________ |