HB 1137 revise the distribution of registration fees from noncommercia...
State of South Dakota  

282X0478   HOUSE TRANSPORTATION ENGROSSED    NO.  HB 1137 -  02/18/2016  

Introduced by:    Representatives Verchio, Brunner, Feickert, Klumb, McCleerey, Schaefer, and Tulson and Senators Vehle, Ewing, Monroe, Parsley, and Peterson (Jim)

        FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the distribution of registration fees from noncommercial gross weight vehicles.
    Section 1. That § 32-5-6.3 be amended to read:
    32-5-6.3. License fees on a noncommercial motor vehicle which is not an automobile, pickup truck, or van licensed pursuant to § 32-5-6 shall be determined by the gross weight of the motor vehicle as defined by subdivision 32-9-1(6), and based on the following:
            (1)    Eight thousand pounds or less, inclusive, one hundred twenty dollars;
            (2)    For each additional 2,000 pounds or major fraction thereof from 8,001 to 20,000 pounds, inclusive, twelve dollars; and
            (3)    For a vehicle in excess of 20,000 pounds, from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, inclusive, the total license fee shall be seventy percent of the total license fee established for commercial vehicles of equivalent weight pursuant to § 32-9-15. On and after July 1, 2016, the total license fee shall be eighty percent of the total license

fee established for commercial vehicles of equivalent weight pursuant to § 32-9-15.

    It is a Class 2 misdemeanor for a person to operate a motor vehicle licensed pursuant to this section at a gross weight in excess of the gross weight for which it has been licensed. If the owner chooses to lower the registered weight, the plate shall be returned along with any validation decal and a new plate issued with the correct registered weight.
    Notwithstanding the provisions of § 32-11-4.1, all funds collected pursuant to this section shall be distributed as follows:
            (1)    One and three-fourths percent shall be credited to the state motor vehicle fund;
            (2)    Two and one-half percent shall be credited to the state license plate special revenue fund;
            (3)    One-fourth of one percent shall be credited to the county treasurer fund to cover expenses for supplies such as toner, paper, etc.;
            (4)    Sixty-seven percent shall be credited to the county road and bridge fund;
            (5)    Twenty-three percent shall be placed in the special highway fund and shall be distributed to the townships in accordance with §§ 32-11-5 to 32-11-7, inclusive; and
            (6)    Five and one-half percent shall be distributed to municipalities within the county in accordance with subdivision 32-11-4.1(3).