House Bill 1199
revise certain provisions regarding the minimum age to procure hunting and fishing licenses.
Representatives DiSanto (prime), Beal, Bordeaux, Brunner, Campbell, Latterell, Marty, May, Verchio, Wiik, and Wollmann and Senators Jensen (Phil) (prime), Greenfield (Brock), Netherton, and Olson
02/03/2016First read in House and referred to House Agriculture and Natural Resources H.J. 258 N/A
02/11/2016Scheduled for hearing 28:04
02/11/2016 House Agriculture and Natural Resources Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 12, NAYS 1. 28:04

Bill Text Versions
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02/03/2016 IntroducedIntroduced

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